
Functional programming library
0.0.2 released
90 6 2
Dhruv Rajvanshi

CRZ Build Status

CRZ is a functional programming library for the crystal languages.


  • Common monads
    • Option (implemented)
    • Nilable (implemented)
    • Result
    • Future
  • Algebraic data types (using macros).
  • Haskell like do notation (more macro goodness).
  • Macros for Applicative types.
  • Pattern matching (May or may not implement nested patterns and compile time exhaustiveness checking in the future).


include CRZ

Algebraic data types

Define basic algebraic type using adt

## A list type for integers
adt IntList, # name of tye new type
  Cons(Int32, IntList),

This declares a type Int list, which can either be an empty list (subtype IntList::Empty), or an IntList::Cons which contains a head element (Int32 type) and a tail element which is another IntList.

# Creating adt values
empty =
listWithJust1 = 1, empty
listWith0And1 = 0, ( 1,
## or
listWith0And1 = 0, listWithJust1

Accesing values of ADT variants

Each ADT variant (subtype) has instance variables @value0, @value1, etc according to their index in the data type.

head = listWith0And1.value0

This method is there but does not utilize the full power of CRZ ADTs.

Pattern matching

All user defined ADTs allow getting values from them using pattern matching. You can write cases corresponding to each variant in the data type and conditionally perform actions. Example

head = IntList.match listWithJust1, IntList, {
  [Cons, x, xs] => x,
  [Empty] => nil
puts head # => 1

Notice the comma after the variant name (Cons,). This is required.

Also note that the second argument to .match is the type of the value you're matching over. This is necessary because for generic ADTs, the match macro needs the concrete type of the generic arguments. Otherwise, the binding of generic values in matching can't be done.

You can use [_] pattern as a catch all pattern.

head = IntList.match empty, IntList, {
  [Cons, x, xs] => x,
  [_] => nil

Note that ordering of patterns matters. For example,

IntList.match list, IntList, {
  [_] => nil,
  [Cons, x, xs] => x,
  [Empty] => 0

This will always return nil because [_] matches everything.

You can also use constants in patterns. For example

has0AsHead = IntList.match list, IntList, {
  [Cons, 0, _] => true,
  [_] => false

You can write statements inside match branches ising Proc literals.

IntList.match list, IntList, {
  [Empty] => ->{
    print "here"

You have to add .call at the end of the proc otherwise, it will be returned as a value instead of being called.

Generic ADTs

You can also declare a generic ADTs. Here's a version of IntList which can be instantiated for any type.

adt List(A),
  Cons(A, List(A))

empty = List::Empty(Int32).new # Type annotation is required for empty
cons  = 1, empty # type annotation isn't required because it is inferred from the first argument
head = List.match cons, List(Int32), { # Just List won't work here, it has to be concrete type List(Int32)
  [Cons, x, _] => x,
  [_] => nil

ADT Classes

You may need to add methods to your ADTs. This can be done using adt_class macro which is similar to adt but has a class declaration as it's last argument. For example, here's a partial implementation of CRZ::Containers::Option with a few members excluded for brevity.

adt_class Option(A), {
    Some(A), None,
    abstract class ADTOption(A)
      include Monad(A)

      def to_s
        Option.match self, Option(A), {
          [Some, x] => "Some(#{x})",
          [None]    => "None",

      def bind(&block : A -> Option(B)) : Option(B) forall B
        Option.match self, Option(A), {
          [Some, x] => ( x),
          [None]    => Option::None(B).new,

Now all Option values have bind and to_s methods defined on them.

puts # => Some(1)
puts Option::None(Int32).new.to_s # => None

Notice that the class has to be abstract and the class name has to be ADT followed by the name of the type you're declaring otherwise, it won't work.

Container types (Monads)

CRZ defines a few container types which can be used. All of them implement the Monad interface which gives them certain properties that make them really powerful. One of them is CRZ::Option which can either contain a value or nothing.

# Creating an option
a = 1
none = Option::None(Int32).new

# pattern matching over Option
Option.match a, Option(Int32), {
  [Some, x] => "Some(#{x})",
  [_] => "None"
} # ==> Some(1)

The idea of the optional type is that whichever functions or methods that can only return a value in some cases should return an Option(A). The Option type allows you to write clean code without unnecessary nil checks.

You can transform Options using the .map method

option = # Some(1)
          .map {|x| x+1}     # Some(2)
          .map {|x| x.to_s}  # Some("2")
          .map {|s| "asdf" + s} # Some("asdf2")
puts option.to_s # ==> Some(asdf2)

This allows you to take functions that work on the contained type and apply them to the container. Mapping over Option::None returns an Option::None.

  .map {|x| x.to_s} # Option::None(String)

Notice that mapping changes the type of the Option from Option(Int32) to Option(String).

The .bind method is a bit more powerful than the map method. It allows you to sequence computations that return Option (or any Monad). Instead of a block of type A -> B like map, the bind method takes a block from A -> Option(B) and returns Option(B). For example
  .bind do |x|
    if x == 0

The bind is more powerful than you might think. It allows you to combine arbitrary Monads into a single Monad.

mdo macro

What if you have multiple Option types and you want to apply some computation to their contents without having to manually unwrap their contents using pattern matching?. There's a way to operate over monads using normal functions and expressions. You can do that using mdo macro inspired by Haskell's do notation.

c = mdo({
  x <=,
  y <=, + y)
puts c # ==> Some(3)

Here, <= isn't the comparison operator. It's job is to bind the value contained in the monad on it's RHS to the variable on it's left. Think of it as an assignment for monads. Make sure that the RHS value for <= inside a mdo block is a monad. Any assignments made like this can be used in the rest of the mdo body. You can also use regular assignments in the mdo block to assign regular values.

c = mdo({
  x <= some_option,
  y <= another_option,
  a = x+y,

If an Option::Nothing is bound anywhere in the mdo body, it short circuits the entire block and returns a Nothing. The contained type of the nothing will still be the contained type of the last expression in the block.

c = mdo({
  x <= some_option,
  y <= none_option,
puts c.to_s # ==> Nothing

Think of what you'd have to do to achieve this result without using mdo or bind. Instead of this,

# instead of this
c = mdo({
  x <= a,
  y <= b, + y)

You'd have to write this

Option.match a, Option(Int32), {
  [Some, x] => Option.match b, Option(Int32), {
    [Some, y] =>,
    [Nothing] => Option::Nothing(Int32).new
  [Nothing] => Option::Nothing(Int32).new

This is harder to read and doesn't scale well to more variables. If you have 10 Option values, you'd have to nest 10 pattern matches. If you used regular nillable values that the language provides, then it would turn into nested nil checks which is the same thing.

Always have a monadic value as the last expression of the mdo block. If you don't, the return type of mdo block will be (A | Nothing(A)).

Remember when I said .bind method is really powerful? An mdo block is transformed into nested binds during macro expansion.

There's an even cleaner way to write combination of monads.

lift_apply macro

Suppose you have a function like

def sum(x, y)
  x + y

and you want to apply this function to two monads instead of two values. You can use an mdo block but an even cleaner way is to write

lift_apply sum,,

You can also use a proc

lift_apply, monad1, monad2, ...

Just like mdo, this is also converted into nested .bind calls during macro expansion.

It is advisable to keep your values inside monads for as long as possible and match over them at the end. You already know how to use regular functions over monadic values.


  • Make working with monads/applicatives/functors as pleasant as possible (using macros if needed).
  • Enable type safe error handling in the language (using Result(A, E) type).
  • Emulate algebraic data types using macros.
  • Make working with algebraic types type safe and easy using pattern matching.


  • Write tests.
  • Write documentation.
  • Implement Result and Future types.
  • Improve compile time error messages for macros.
  github: dhruvrajvanshi/crz
  version: ~> 0.0.2
License MIT
Crystal none

Dependencies 0

Development Dependencies 0

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