Crystal library to generate and sign URLs for LibPixel.
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Crystal library to generate and sign LibPixel URLs.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: libpixel/
  2. Run shards install


require ""

Configure the LibPixel client:

LibPixel.setup do |config| = "" # Your LibPixel domain. Required.
  config.https = true # Generates HTTPS URLs. Optional. Default is false.
  config.secret = "..." # Auth secret for your LibPixel account. Required for signing requests.
  config.default_source = "us-east-1/source" # optional source to be used, can be overriden

The configuration for host and secret will be automatically set from the environment variables LIBPIXEL_HOST and LIBPIXEL_SECRET if they are present.

Sign URLs

You can sign an existing URL using the sign function:

url = LibPixel.sign("")

Generate URLs

You can also generate and sign URLs at the same time with the url function:

url = LibPixel.url("/us-east-1/images/1.jpg", height: 400, blur: 20, saturation: -80)

If you're using the src parameter, you can skip the path:

url = LibPixel.url(src: "http://...", width: 300)

But even simpler, if the library sees a url beginning with http or https it knows what to do:

url = LibPixel.url("http://...", width: 300)

You can specify whether you what an http or https url in your call:

url = LibPixel.url("/us-east-1/images/1.jpg", height: 400, blur: 20, saturation: -80, https: true)

If you are using a default_source, you don't need to specify it in the path:

url = LibPixel.url("1.jpg", height: 400, blur: 20, saturation: -80)

But you can override it with the source parameter:

url = LibPixel.url("1.jpg", height: 400, blur: 20, saturation: -80, source: "us-west-1/source2")

Multiple clients

It's also possible to have multiple instances of LibPixel clients (e.g. when dealing with multiple accounts):

client = "", https: true, secret: "...")

You may then call the #url and #sign methods on the client object.



  github: libpixel/
License MIT
Crystal 0.31.0


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