
0.8.0 released


Crystal bindings for unibilium, a terminfo library.

Unibilium supports:

  1. Parsing terminfo files with standard and extended sections
  2. Parsing terminfo files with 16-bit and 32-bit numeric format
  3. Interpreting/executing terminfo format strings
  4. Creating and modifying terminfo databases and dumping them in terminfo file format


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: docelic/unibilium.cr
    version: 0.8.0

You must have libunibilium installed in order to use theses bindings. Most distributions have a package named unibilium.


Usage in a nutshell:

require "unibilium"

ENV["TERM"] = "linux"
terminfo = Unibilium::Terminfo.from_env
#terminfo = Unibilium::Terminfo.from_io(io)
#terminfo = Unibilium::Terminfo.from_bytes(bytes)
#terminfo = Unibilium::Terminfo.from_file(path)

bool = terminfo.get(Unibilium::Entry::Boolean::Has_meta_key)
num = terminfo.get(Unibilium::Entry::Numeric::Lines)
str = terminfo.get(Unibilium::Entry::String::Cursor_address)

p str
print terminfo.run(str, 10, 10)
puts("Cursor is now at position 10,10")

# (Note: can also access extended section without ".extensions")
if terminfo.extensions.has?("U8")
  u8 = terminfo.extensions.get("U8")
  puts "Extended value U8 = #{u8}"


More examples can be found in the subdirectory spec/.

Argument Types

For the non-extended section, #get/#get? accept fixed enum values which are pre-defined and categorized into Entry::Boolean, Entry::Numeric, and Entry::String.

For the extended section, capabilities are always accessed as strings. Accessing a nonexistent capability with #get raises an error.

All capabilities can be tested/accessed using #has?, #get, and #get? on the terminfo object. Extended capabilities can also directly be tested/accessed using #has?, #get, and #get? on the terminfo.extensions object.

Return Values

The return values are coming directly from terminfo-encoded data as follows:

  1. Boolean - Bool. (False is also returned if a value is unset)
  2. Numeric - Int32. (-1 is returned if a value is unset, -2 if disabled)
  3. String - String | Nil. (Nil is returned if a value is unset)

Accessing an existing extended capability can return the same data types as the standard section.

This library does not interpret return values. I.e. the special return values which indicate a missing capability (the indistinguishable boolean false, numeric -1 and -2, and string nil) are returned as-is.

More Usability

This library is low-level.

You may be interested in an add-on library terminfo-shim.cr which implements the following additions:

  1. Accessing standard capabilities using long string names, short string names, symbols, and methods
  2. Interpreting return values (testing for false, <0, and nil values to indicate unset/disabled capabilities)
  3. Caching results of capability lookups and string interpretation/execution


Currently using the Crystal API is not possible to have an extended capability of the same name existing in multiple sections.


  • bew Benoit de Chezelles - creator
  • docelic Davor Ocelic - maintainer
  github: crystallabs/unibilium.cr
  version: ~> 0.8.0
License MIT
Crystal 0.35.1


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