
Extensible annotation based serialization/deserialization/validation library json serialization annotations serializer yaml
0.1.0 released

Archived shard

This shard has been archived . It is no longer maintained or has been discontinued for other reasons.


JSON (and later YAML) serializer and validator inspired by JMS Serializer Annotations and Symphony Validation Constraint Annotations. Built on top of the standard library functionality of JSON::Serializable.


  • Be a compliment to, not a replacement for, JSON::Serializable
  • Extensible and customizable to fit all use cases
  • Make working with JSON APIs in Crystal much easier
  • Be easy to adopt and start using effectively
  • Work out of the box with most ORMs (assuming they are compatible with JSON::Serializable)


  • [x] JSON Support
  • [ ] YAML Support


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: Blacksmoke16/CrSerializer


require "CrSerializer"

# Raise an exception if a validation test fails
@[CrSerializer::Options(raise_on_invalid: true)]
class Example
  include CrSerializer::Json

  property name : String
  # Validates on deserialization that value is >= 0 AND not nil
  @[CrSerializer::Assertions(greater_than_or_equal: 0, nil: false)] 
  property age : Int32
  # Do not inclue password on serialize, nor set it on deserialize
  @[CrSerializer::Json::Options(expose: false, readonly: true)]
  property password : String?

json_str = %({"name": "John", "age": 22, "password": "passw0rd!"})

example = Example.deserialize json_str # => "John"
example.age # => 22

# password is nil because it was set to `readonly`
example.password # => nil

example.password = "passw0rd!"

example.password # => "passw0rd!"

# password is not serialized because `expose` was set to false
example.serialize # => {"name":"John","age":22}

json_str = %({"name": "John", "age": -1, "password": "passw0rd!"})
# raises an exepction due to `raise_on_invalid` being true
example2 = Example.deserialize json_str # => Unhandled exception: Validation tests failed (CrSerializer::ValidationException)

Instance Variables properties

  • [x] expose: Bool- Whether the property should be serialized. Default = true

  • [x] emit_null: Bool - Whether variables with nil values should be serialized. Default = false

  • [x] accessor: {{getter_method_name}} - Use a custom getter method instead of @{{variable_name}}

  • [x] readonly: Bool - Whether the property should be settable on deserialization. Default = true

  • [x] serialized_name: String - Name of the key to use on serialize. Default = name of instance variable

Class properties

  • [x] validate: Bool: Whether validations should be ran for this class. Default = true
  • [x] raise_on_invalid: Bool: Whether an exception should be raised if a validation test fails. Default = false



  • [x] nil: Bool - Whether the property should be allowed to be nil
  • [x] equal: V - Value is equal to V. Use nil: true instead of equal: nil
  • [x] not_equal: V- Values is not equal to V. Use nil: false instead of not_equal: nil
  • [x] choice: Array(String|Number) - Value is of a given set of choices


  • [x] greater_than: N - Value of the property should be greater than N
  • [x] greater_than_or_equal: N - Value of the property should be greater than or equal N
  • [x] less_than: N - Value of the property should be less than N
  • [x] less_than_or_equal: N - Value of the property should be less than or equal to N
  • [x] range: Range(B, E) - Value is within B and E


  • [x] blank: Bool - Whether the property should be allowed to be blank
  • [x] size: Range(B, E) - Size of the string is between B and E
  • [x] regex: Regex - Value matches Regex pattern
  • [ ] email: String - Value is an property formatted email


  • [x] size: Range(B, E) - Size of the array is between B and E
  • [x] unique: Bool - Whether all values should be unique


  • [ ] format: String - Value is is a date in the given format


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  github: blacksmoke16/CrSerializer
  version: ~> 0.1.0
License MIT
Crystal 0.26.1


Dependencies 0

Development Dependencies 0

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