
Simple e-mail sending library smtp email
0.3.2 released
110 17

EMail for Crystal

Simple email sending library for the Crystal programming language.

You can:

  • construct an email with a plain text message, a HTML message and/or some attachment files.
  • include resources(e.g. images) used in the HTML message.
  • set multiple recipients to the email.
  • use multibyte characters(only UTF-8) in the email.
  • send the email by using local or remote SMTP server.
  • use TLS connection by STARTTLS command.
  • use SMTP-AUTH by AUTH PLAIN or AUTH LOGIN when using TLS.
  • send multiple emails concurrently by using multiple smtp connections.

You can not:

  • use ESMTP features except those mentioned above.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: arcage/crystal-email


# send simple 1 message

require "email"

EMail.send("", 25) do
  # [*] : useable multiple times

  # required
  subject       "Subject of the mail"
  from          "your@mail.addr" # [*]
  to            "to@some.domain" # [*]

  # optional
  cc            "cc@some.domain"     # [*]
  bcc           "bcc@some.domain"    # [*]
  reply_to      "reply_to@your.mail" # [*]
  sender        "sender@your.mail"
  return_path   "return@your.mail"
  envelope_from "enverope_from@your.mail"

  # custom headers specified by header name and value
  custom_header "X-Header-Name", "custom header value" # [*]

  # required at least one `message`, `message_html` or `attach`
  message  <<-EOM
    Message body of the mail.

    Your Signature

  attach "./attachment.docx"                            # [*]

  # HTML email support
  # `message_resource` works almost same as `attach`, expect it requires `cid:` argument.
  message_html <<-EOM
    <h1>Message body of the mail.</h1>
    <img src="cid:logo@some.domain">
    Your Signature    
  message_resource "./logo.png", cid: "logo@some.domain" # [*]

This code will output log entries to STDOUT as follows:

2018/01/25 20:35:09 [crystal-email/12347] INFO [EMail_Client] Start TCP session to
2018/01/25 20:35:10 [crystal-email/12347] INFO [EMail_Client] Successfully sent a message from <enverope_from@your.mail> to 3 recipient(s)
2018/01/25 20:35:10 [crystal-email/12347] INFO [EMail_Client] Close TCP session to

You can add some option arguments to EMail.send.

  • client_name : String (Default: "EMail_Client")

    Set the client name. It is used as a part of Message-Id header.

  • helo_domain : String (Default: "[" + local_ip_addr + "]")

    Set the parameter string for SMTP EHLO(or HELO) command.

  • on_failed : EMail::Client::OnFailedProc (Default: None)

    Set callback function to be called when sending email is failed while in SMTP session. It will be called with email message object that tried to send, and SMTP command and response history. In this function, you can do something to handle errors: e.g. "investigating the causes of the fail", "notifying you of the fail", and so on.

    EMail::Client::OnFailedProc is an alias of the Proc type EMail::Message, Array(String) ->.

  • on_fatal_error : EMail::Client::OnFatalErrorProc (Default: None)

    Set callback function to be calld when an exception is raised during SMTP hanling. It will be called with the raised Exception instance.

    EMail::Client::OnFatalErrorProc is an alias of the Proc type Exception ->.

  • use_tls : Bool (Default: false)

    Try to use STARTTLS command to send email with TLS encryption.

  • openssl_verify_mode : OpenSSL::SSL::VerifyMode (Default: OpenSSL::SSL::VerifyMode::PEER)

    You can select OpenSSL verification mode. See OpenSSL::SSL::VerifyMode. For Example use OpenSSL::SSL::VerifyMode::NONE to start tls connection with mail server which uses self-signed certificates.

  • auth : Tuple(String, String) (Default: None)

    Set login id and password to use AUTH PLAIN or AUTH LOGIN command: e.g. {"login_id", "password"}.

    This option must be use with ust_tls: true.

  • Logger option 1

    Use external Logger instance.

    • logger : Logger
  • Logger option 2

    Use default logger setting with some options.

    • log_io : IO (Default: STDOUT)

      Change logging output from STDOUT. It must be writable.

    • log_level : Logger::Severity (Default: Logger::Severity::INFO)

      Set log level for SMTP session.

      • Logger::Severity::DEBUG : logging all SMTP commands and responses.
      • Logger::Severity::ERROR : logging only events stem from some errors.
      • EMail::Client::NO_LOGGING(Logger::Severity::UNKOWN) : no events will be logged.
    • log_progname : String (Default: "crystal-email")

      Set logger progname.

    • log_formatter : Logger::Formatter (Default: EMail::Client::LOG_FORMATTER)

      Set log formatter.

NOTE: You can specify only one of Logger option 1 or 2.

# example with option arguments

on_failed = do |mail, command_history|
  puts ""
  puts command_history.join("\n")
end"./sendamil.log", "w") do |log_file|
  logger =
  logger.level = Logger::Severity::DEBUG

  EMail.send("", 587,
             client_name: "MailBot",
             helo_domain: "",
             on_failed:   on_failed,
             use_tls: true,
             auth: {"your_id", "your_password"},
             logger: logger) do

    # same as above

This will output to ./sendmail.log file :

I, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741]  INFO -- : [MailBot] Start TCP session to
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- CONN 220 unknown ESMTP
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> EHLO
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- EHLO 250 / PIPELINING / SIZE 51380224 / ETRN / STARTTLS / ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES / 8BITMIME / DSN
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> STARTTLS
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- STARTTLS 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
I, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741]  INFO -- : [MailBot] Start TLS session
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> EHLO
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- EHLO 250 / PIPELINING / SIZE 51380224 / ETRN / AUTH LOGIN PLAIN / ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES / 8BITMIME / DSN
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> AUTH PLAIN AHlvdXJfaWQAeW91cl9wYXNzd29yZA==
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- AUTH 235 2.7.0 Authentication successful
I, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741]  INFO -- : [MailBot] Authentication success with your_id / ********
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> MAIL FROM:<enverope_from@your.mail>
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- MAIL 250 2.1.0 Ok
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> RCPT TO:<to@some.domain>
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- RCPT 250 2.1.5 Ok
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> RCPT TO:<cc@some.domain>
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- RCPT 250 2.1.5 Ok
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> RCPT TO:<bcc@some.domain>
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- RCPT 250 2.1.5 Ok
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> DATA
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- DATA 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> Sending mail data
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- DATA 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 856D46004CC6
I, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741]  INFO -- : [MailBot] Successfully sent a message from <enverope_from@your.mail> to 3 recipient(s)
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] --> QUIT
D, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741] DEBUG -- : [MailBot] <-- QUIT 221 2.0.0 Bye
I, [2018-01-25 20:52:13 +09:00 #12741]  INFO -- : [MailBot] Close session to

EMail::Message object(default receiver of the block for EMail.send)

Optionally, you can add mailbox name to #from, #to, #cc, #bcc or #reply_to.

from "your@mail.addr", "Your Name"

For attachment files and message resources, you can designate another file name for the recipient.

attach "attachment.txt", file_name: "other_name.txt"

You can designate mime type of the file explicitly. By default, it will be inferred from the extension of that file: e.g. ".txt" => "text/plain"

attach "attachment", mime_type: "text/plain"

You can use readable IO object instead of the file path. In this case, the file_name argument is required. (The mime_type argument is also acceptable.)

attach some_io, file_name: "other_name.txt"

UTF-8 string can be used as follows:

  • mail message
  • part of header body(when it can be multibyte)
  • name of attachment files or message resources
subject "メールサブジェクト"
from "your@mail.addr", "山田 太郎"
to "to@mail.addr", "山田 花子"
message <<-EOM
attach "写真.jpg"

Attachment files and message resources are always encoded by Base64.

Email messages(text plain message and html message) will be encoded when they have non-ascii characters or lines that is longer than 998 bytes.

EMail::Sender(Concurrent sending)

By using EMail::Sender object, you can concurrently send multiple messages by multiple connections.

# Concurrent sending example

rcpt_list = ["a@some.domain", "b@some.domain", "c@some.domain", "d@some.domain"]

# create email sender object
sender ="", 25)

# start sending emails with concurrently 3 connections
sender.start(number_of_connections: 3) do
  rcpts_list.each do |rcpt_to|
    mail =
    mail.from    "your@mail.addr"      rcpt_to
    mail.subject "Concurrent email sending"
    mail.message "message to #{rcpt_to}"
    # enqueue the email to sender
    enqueue mail

You can:

  • set same options as EMail.send to
  • give Array(EMail::Message) or EMail::Message object to EMail::Sender#enqueue.
  • set 2 arguments to EMail::Sender#start.
    • 1st one is number_of_connections that specify how many connections are used to send messages concurrently.(Default: 1)
    • 2nd one is messages_per_connection that specify how many messages are sent by one connection.(Default: 10)

Note: Setting too large number_of_connections or messages_per_connection will place heavy loads on the SMTP server or occupy its resources. When the SMTP server is not yours, you should choice these parameters very carefully.


  • [x] ~~support AUTH LOGIN~~
  • [ ] support AUTH CRAM-MD5
  • [x] ~~support HTML email~~
  • [ ] performance tuning


  • arcage ʕ·ᴥ·ʔAKJ - creator, maintainer
  github: arcage/crystal-email
  version: ~> 0.3.2
License MIT
Crystal 0.27.0


Dependencies 0

Development Dependencies 0

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