
Tool to generate Crystal bindings for gobject-based libraries (i.e. GTK) gobject-introspection glib gobject bindings gtk gtk4 desktop gui linux
0.1.0 released
44 3 13
Hugo Parente Lima

Build Status

GI Crystal

GI Crystal is a binding generator used to generate Crystal bindings for GObject based libraries using GObject Introspection.

If you are looking for GTK4 bindings for Crystal, go to GTK4

I wrote this while studying GObject Introspection to contribute with crystal-gobject but at some point I decided to take a different approach on how to generate the bindings, so I started this.


You are probably looking for the GTK4 shard, not this one, since this shard is only useful if you are creating a binding to a GObject based library.

  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: hugopl/gobj-bind-gen
  2. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

  3. Run shards install


See for an example of how to use it.

Memory Management ❤️‍🔥️

Crystal is garbage collected, you create objects and have faith that the GC will free them at some point while GLib uses reference count, the clash of these two approaches of how to deal with memory management can't end up in something beautiful without corner cases, etc... but we try our best to reduce the mess.

The basic rules are:

  • All objects (except enums, flags and unions) are created in the heap (including non GObject C Structs).
  • Boxed structs (except GValue) are always allocated by GLib but owned by Crystal wrappers.
  • If the struct is passed from C to Crystal with "transfer none", the struct is copied anyway to ensure that every Crystal object wrapper always points to valid memory. On "transfer full" no copy is needed.
  • All GObjects have just a pointer to the C object (always allocated by GLib) and always hold a reference during their lifetime


GObject interfaces are mapped to Crystal modules + a dummy class that only implements this module, used when there's some function returning the interface.

Down Casts

Must be done using ClassName.cast(instance) or ClassName.cast?(instance), since Crystal type system doesn't knows about GObject type system. .cast throws a TypeCastError if the cast can't be made while .cast? just returns nil.

  builder = Gtk::Builder.new_from_string("...") # Returns a Gtk::Object
  label = Gtk::Label.cast(builder["label"])

A cast just creates a new wrapper object, so it increases the object reference count and allocate memory for the Crystal object instance.

Signal Connections

Suppose you want to connect the Gtk::Widget focus signal, the C signature is:

user_function (GtkWidget       *widget,
               GtkDirectionType direction,
               gpointer         user_data)

The user_data parameter is used internally by bindings to pass closure data, so forget about it.

All signals are translated to a method named #{signal_name}_signal, that returns the signal object, the _signal suffix exists to solve name conflicts like Gtk::Window destroy method and destroy signal.

So there are 3 ways to connect this signal to a callback:

def slot_with_sender(widget, direction)
  # ...
# Connect to a slot with all arguments
widget.focus_signal.connect(->slot_with_sender(Gtk::Widget, Gtk::Direction)

def slot_without_sender(direction)
  # ...
# Connect to a slot without the sender

# Connect to a block (always without sender parameter)
widget.focus_signal.connect do |direction|
  # ...

If the signal requires a slot that returns nothing, a slot that returns nothing (Nil) must be used, this is a limitation of the current implementation that will probably change in the future to just ignore the return value on those slots.

After signals

Instead of widget.focus_signal.connect, use widget.focus_signal.connect_after.

Signals with details

# To connect the equivalent in C to "notify::my_property" do
widget.notify_signal["my_property"].connect do
  # ...


When returned by methods or as signal parameters they are represented by GObject::Value class, however if a method accepts a GValue as parameter you can pass any supported value. I.e. you can pass e.g. a plain Int32 to a method that in C expects a GValue.

GObject inheritance

  • TBD

Declaring GObject signals

  • TBD


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  github: hugopl/gi-crystal
  version: ~> 0.1.0
License BSD-3-Clause
Crystal >= 1.1.0


Libraries 1

  • libgirepository: ~> 1.0

Dependencies 1

Development Dependencies 1

  • ameba ~> 0.14.3
    {'github' => 'crystal-ameba/ameba', 'version' => '~> 0.14.3'}

Dependents 4

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