
A compile-time non-intrusive dependency injection system dependency-injection macros hacktoberfest
0.1.0 released
21 1 3

HardWire ⚡

A Compile-time Dependency Injection system for Crystal.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:
    github: jerometwell/hardwire
  1. Run shards install


require "hardwire"

Hardwire is designed to operate inside a container object. Since the resolution is compile-time (Using Macros), normally this will be a module.

Creating a container 📦

# To create a new container, include HardWire::Container
# This will add the macros you need to register and resolve wiring
module Container
  include HardWire::Container

  # use transient/singleton to wire different lifecycles
  # singleton dependencies will be memoized
  # dependencies for the constructor will be resolved from the constructor automatically
  transient Dependency
  singleton NeedsDependency

  # you can also register dependencies with a block instead of inspecting the constructor
  # Your block MUST return an instance of the class you are registering
  singleton NeedsDependency {
    NeedsDependency.new( self.resolve Dependency )

Hardwire tries to operate with minimal modifications to other classes (unless required). "simple" classes, e.g.

  • Have a single constructor
  • Have unique dependencies/do not require tags

If your classes match this signature, you can wire up in the container without adding anything to the classes.

For everything else, there's:

Multiple Constructors 🚧

Hardwire needs to know which constuctor function to use.

Annotate your "Injectable" constructor with the Hardwire::Inject annotation.

class MultipleInits
  def initialize(input: String)
    # register will inspect this method's arguments
    # [...]

  def initialize
    # will not be used for injection
    # [...]

Tags 🏷

To differentiate between registrations of the same type, use the HardWire::Tags annotation. Tags allow you to attach additional metadata to the signature. Tags themselves are string-based, delimited with commas, and all tags must match for injection.

# [...]

# registering a transient dependency with tag "secret"
transient String, "secret" {
  "a secret string"

# registering a singleton with many tags
singleton DbService, "primary,magic,amazing"

# Resolving Dependencies
class Resolving
  @[Hardwire::Tags(input: "secret", db: "primary,magic,amazing")]
  def initialize(input : String, db : DbService)

Runtime Interrogation 👀

Hardwire can tell you information about the registrations at runtime, but the dependencies are HardWired(See what I did there?), so they can't be changed.

module Container
  include HardWire::Container

  singleton DbService

Container.registered?(DbService) # true
Container.registered?(DbService, "tagged") # false
Container.registered?(String) # false


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/jerometwell/hardwire/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  github: jerometwell/hardwire
  version: ~> 0.1.0
License MIT
Crystal 0.32.1


Dependencies 0

Development Dependencies 0

Dependents 0

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