
Manages Kubernetes configuration and deployment kubernetes deployment
1.5.2-beta8 released
106 10 3


Build Status

A tool for managing the Kubernetes lifecycle of a single container application.

Psykube Duck


Homebrew for OSX

You can install psykube on OSX using homebrew by running:

brew install commercialtribe/tools/psykube


You can also download the pre-built binaries.


psykube [command] [arguments]


apply <cluster>

Applies the generated kubernetes manifests for the specified cluster.

copy-namespace <from> <to>

Copies a kubernetes namespace and (most) of its resources to a new namespace.

delete <cluster>

Deletes all associated kubernetes manifests for the current app.

exec <command>

Finds a running pod belonging to this app and executes a command within it.

logs <command>

Lists the logs for the current application.

generate <cluster>

Generates and outputs the kubernetes manifests for the specified cluster.

help <command>

Lists help for any command.

port-forward <local> <remote>

Finds a running pod belonging to this app and forwards the specified remote port to the specified local port.


Builds and pushes the docker image to the registry.

status <cluster>

Lists the status of the pods running for the current app and for the specified cluster.


Prints the psykube version.

The Psykube YAML

A .psykube.yml is required in the root for each app. This can be overridden with the -f or --file flag on any command.

Template Variables

The .psykube.yml allows for expanding variables using the <<>> template syntax. The following variables are available within the template:

| Var | Description |---|--- | metadata.namespace | The namespace provided with the --namespace flag on the command. | metadata.cluster_name | The name of the cluster. | | The name of the application. | env.{name} | An environment variable referenced by name.


  host: {{metadata.namespace}}

.psykube.yml Reference

You can find a detailed example of the .psykube.yml in reference/.psykube.yml More examples can be found in the example dir.

NOTE: There is also an example .travis.yml file with an example of how to deploy to google container engine.

  github: psykube/psykube
  version: ~> 1.5.2-beta8
License MIT
Crystal none


Dependencies 2

  • admiral v1.0.0-rc6
    {'tag' => 'v1.0.0-rc6', 'github' => 'jwaldrip/'}
  • crustache
    {'github' => 'MakeNowJust/crustache'}

Development Dependencies 0

Dependents 0

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