
Tree Oriented Routing routing lesscode web api fast simple
0.1.0 released


Tree Oriented Routing


require "toro"

class App < Toro::Router
  def routes
    get do
      text "hello world"

    on "users" do
      on :id do
        get do
          html "views/users/show"
    default do
      run Guests

The routes are evaluated in a sandbox where the following methods are available: context, path, inbox, run, halt, root, root?, default, on, get, put, head, post, patch, delete, options, text, html and render.


context: Environment variables for the request.

path: Helper object that tracks the previous and current path.

inbox: Hash with captures and potentially other variables local to the request.

run: Runs a sub app.

halt: Terminates the request.

root?: Returns true if the path yet to be consumed is empty.

default: Receives a block that will be executed inconditionally.

on: Receives a value to be matched, and a block that will be executed only if the request is matched.

root: Receives a block and calls it only if root? is true.

get: Receives a block and calls it only if root? and get? are true.

put: Receives a block and calls it only if root? and put? are true.

head: Receives a block and calls it only if root? and head? are true.

post: Receives a block and calls it only if root? and post? are true.

patch: Receives a block and calls it only if root? and patch? are true.

delete: Receives a block and calls it only if root? and delete? are true.

options: Receives a block and calls it only if root? and options? are true.


The on method can receive a String to perform path matches; a Symbol to perform path captures; and a boolean to match any true values.

Each time on matches or captures a segment of the PATH, that part of the path is consumed. The current and previous paths can be queried by calling prev and curr on the path object: path.prev returns the part of the path already consumed, and path.curr provides the current version of the path. Any expression that evaluates to a boolean can also be used as a matcher.


When a symbol is provided, on will try to consume a segment of the path. A segment is defined as any sequence of characters after a slash and until either another slash or the end of the string. The captured value is stored in the inbox hash under the key that was provided as the argument to on. For example, after a call to on(:user_id), the value for the segment will be stored at inbox[:user_id].


There are no security features built into this routing library. A framework using this library should implement the security layer.


The most basic way of returning a string is by calling the method text. It sets the Content-Type header to text/plain and writes the passed string to the response. A similar helper is called html: it takes as an argument the path to an ECR template and renders its content. A lower level render method is available: it also expects the path to a template, but it doesn't modify the headers.

Status codes

The default status code is 404. It can be changed and queried with the status macro:

  #=> 404
  status 200
  #=> 200

When a request method matcher succeeds, the status code for the request is changed to 202.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: soveran/toro
    branch: master
  github: soveran/toro
  version: ~> 0.1.0
License MIT
Crystal none


Dependencies 1

  • seg
    {'github' => 'soveran/seg-crystal'}

Development Dependencies 1

Dependents 0

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