The Cannon 
Really fast data de-/serialisation and remote procedure calling, for when your process has other things to do than data serialisation.
The main point about Cannon is speed. This is achieved by cutting some corners.
io =
data = [ 5, 6, 7 ]
Benchmark.ips do |x|"encode") do
Cannon.encode(io, data)
end"decode") do
Cannon.decode(io, typeof(data))
On my i5 6600K (Skylake) I get numbers like these:
encode 96.84M ( 10.33ns) (± 4.19%) fastest
decode 27.07M ( 36.95ns) (± 3.79%) 3.58× slower
(Tip: You can find all of these in the samples/ directory)
Many common data types have support built-in:
require "cannon" # Require the shard
# Data de-/serialization. Cannon operates on IOs
io = # Use an in-memory store for this
original = [ 5, 6, 7 ] # Some data to serialize
Cannon.encode io, original # Write `data` into `io`
io.rewind # Don't forget to rewind the stream
copy = Cannon.decode io, typeof(data) # And read it back
pp original, copy # original == copy
Your own data structures can also be serialized. Either by implementing
and .from_cannon_io(io)
yourself, or simply use
require "cannon"
class Session
include Cannon::Auto # Magic include
property username : String
property email : String
def initialize(@username, @email)
io = # Like in the example above
original ="alice", "")
Cannon.encode io, original
decoded = Cannon.decode io, Session
pp original, decoded
Even better, if your data structure is a struct
, @[Packed]
and only uses
simple types, use Cannon::FastAuto
require "cannon"
@[Packed] # Go with packed if you want to go fast!
struct Addition
include Cannon::FastAuto # Faster magic include
property a : Int32
property b : Int32
def initialize(@a, @b)
io = # Like in the example above
original =, 5)
Cannon.encode io, original
copy = Cannon.decode io, Addition
pp original, copy
Cutting corners
You'd be surprised how much Cannon actually supports. Here are some tricks done to speed things up:
- Primitives, like
, are written directly. Array
s containing simple types are basicallySlice
is easy to blast out.Slice
s not containing primitive types are not supported at the moment.- Custom
s can be marked as being "simple", meaning it can be serialized by type-casting it to aSlice
. Tuple
s are treated automatically asSlice
, if they only contain "simple" data types.Nil
is represented as nothing.- The RPC mechanism transparently uses
identifiers instead of method names.
However, there are things to keep in mind:
- The data format is binary and uses the host endianness
- The data is effectively unstructured, if you're using the wrong format things will blow up :)
Simple data structures
Simple data structures can be read and written directly. Their constructor, if any, will most likely not be invoked at all, they just exist.
Requirements are as follows:
- Must be a
- Not aclass
! - Only contains other "simple" data, like primitives
- Does not contain any variable-length data like
s orArray
Do not falter: If your data-structure does not fit these, you can still use it just fine! It just means it will be fast, but not blazing fast :)
Cannon also comes with a RPC module. It does the heavy lifting for you, so that you can focus on actually writing code. And it's fast too!
Want to see some real code? Look into samples/rpc/!
The RPC module works on a service methodology. A server provides one, or more services for a client to consume. In Cannon, both ends can provide services for the other to consume.
For this to work, you need three components per Service:
- The description module, which describes the interface through
methods. - The service class, which includes
. This object lives on the server. There can be one or more instances of each service. Each instance has its own unique identifier, or id, which is aUInt32
. A service can be owned by a client, more on that below. - The client class, which includes
. This object lives on the client. It's bound to aCannon::Rpc::Connection
and the remote services id.
In real usage, you'll probably have two kinds of services: First, those used by every client, and second, those used exclusively by one (or few) client(s).
Singleton services
Singleton services have no owner (Its owner is nil
), and are registered to
well-known a identifiers. Usually, only one instance of this service exists on
the server.
You can make your life easy by including Cannon::Rpc::SingletonService
the description module of the service. This module is instantiated with an
identifier. When you now derive your service and client classes from it,
they'll automatically bind to the singletons service identifier.
Instance services
The second kind of services are instance services. These are used exclusively by one client, or by few clients. If there's only one client, you can give the client ownership over that service instance.
When a client owns a service, it may release it (remove it) later on. This can
be done through the #release_now!
method of a client class. Or you just
forget about the client, wait until it's garbage-collected, and it'll
automatically be released remotely for you. The same happens when a connection
is closed automatically, too.
The client
The client is more or less auto-generated from the description module using
. An actually complete example is this:
class MyServiceClient
include Cannon::Rpc::RemoteService(MyServiceDescription)
That's it! The class will get a #initialize
r which you pass the Connection
first and the service id (optional if it's a singleton service). The
implemented abstract methods from the description module will point at the
remote service, and function like normal methods to you.
If you don't care about the methods results anyway, use the
version, which is also generated for each method.
my_client.greet("Alice") # Wait for response
my_client.greet_without_response("Alice") # Don't wait
Getting the calling connection
One last thing: If you need to know which Connection
exactly is making the
call in your service class, just add an argument of type Connection
to the
end of the argument list. For the client, this argument will "disappear". The
service instance will have it "injected".
Gotchas and Troubleshooting
Type your method arguments and result
It's really important to type your methods. It's acceptable to not type the
result, in which case it's treated as Nil
, and thus will silently drop
anything returned from the method.
# Won't work
abstract def add(a, b)
abstract def greet(user : String, email)
abstract def return_something_important
# Will work fine
abstract def add(a : Int32 | Float32, b : Int32) : Float64
abstract def greet(user : String, email : String?) : String
abstract def return_something_important : Hash(String, Int32)
You can't just pass a Service instance around
Right now, you can't pass a Service
or RemoteService
instance around.
Pass around its service_id instead, and rebuild the client on the other
# Won't compile
def create_chat_room(name : String) : ChatRoomService
# Will work fine
def create_chat_room_service(name : String) : UInt32
Then, add a wrapper method to your client doing the conversion for you:
class ChatClient
# ...
def create_chat_room(name : String) : ChatRoomClient connection, create_chat_room_service(name)
When to use The Cannon
- Speed is your primary concern
- You don't care about inter-operability
- You're fine with sacrificing structure
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: Papierkorb/cannon
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
This library is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 ("MPL-2").
For a copy of the full license text see the included LICENSE
For a legally non-binding explanation visit: tl;drLegal
- Papierkorb Stefan Merettig - creator, maintainer
Still looking down here?
Have nice day!