Crypto Crystal
Pure Crystal port of pyrogram/tgcrpto. Implements various Cryptograpgy algorithms that are especially usefull for Telegram's MTPtoto protocol.
Add the dependency to your
:dependencies: crypto: github: watzon/crypto
shards install
module Crypto
module AES
def self.create_encryption_key(key : Bytes) : Slice(UInt32)
def self.create_decryption_key(key : Bytes) : Slice(UInt32)
def self.encrypt(data : Bytes, key : Indexable(UInt32)) : Bytes
def self.decrypt(data : Bytes, key : Indexable(UInt32)) : Bytes
module CBC
def self.encrypt(data : Bytes, key : Bytes, iv : Bytes) : Bytes
def self.decrypt(data : Bytes, key : Bytes, iv : Bytes) : Bytes
module CTR
def self.xcrypt(data : Bytes, key : Bytes, iv : Bytes, state : Bytes = [0_u8]) : Bytes
module IGE
def self.encrypt(data : Bytes, key : Bytes, iv : Bytes) : Bytes
def self.decrypt(data : Bytes, key : Bytes, iv : Bytes) : Bytes
module Padding
def self.pkcs7(buffer : Bytes, block_size : Int)
IGE Mode
Note: Data must be padded to match a multiple of the block size AES::BLOCK_SIZE
require "crypto"
random =
# 10 MB of random data + 7 bytes to show padding
data = random.random_bytes(10 * 1024 * 1024 + 7)
key = random.random_bytes(32) # Random key
iv = random.random_bytes(32) # Random iv
# Pad the data using PKCS7
data = Crypto::Padding.pkcs7(data, Crypto::AES::BLOCK_SIZE)
encrypted = Crypto::IGE.encrypt(data, key, iv)
decrypted = Crypto::IGE.decrypt(encrypted, key, iv)
puts data == decrypted
# => true
CTR Mode
require "crypto"
random =
# 10 MB of random data + 7 bytes to show padding
data = random.random_bytes(10 * 1024 * 1024 + 7)
key = random.random_bytes(32) # Random key
iv = random.random_bytes(16) # Random iv
# Pad the data using PKCS7
data = Crypto::Padding.pkcs7(data, Crypto::AES::BLOCK_SIZE)
encrypted = Crypto::CTR.xcrypt(data, key, iv)
decrypted = Crypto::CTR.xcrypt(encrypted, key, iv)
puts data == decrypted
CBC Mode
Note: Data must be padded to match a multiple of the block size AES::BLOCK_SIZE
require "crypto"
random =
# 10 MB of random data + 7 bytes to show padding
data = random.random_bytes(10 * 1024 * 1024 + 7)
key = random.random_bytes(32) # Random key
iv = random.random_bytes(16) # Random iv
# Pad the data using PKCS7
data = Crypto::Padding.pkcs7(data, Crypto::AES::BLOCK_SIZE)
encrypted = Crypto::CBC.encrypt(data, key, iv)
decrypted = Crypto::CBC.decrypt(encrypted, key, iv)
puts data == decrypted
- [ ] Cipher Based
- [ ] AES
- [ ] 128
- [ ] 192
- [x] 256
- [ ] CBC
- [ ] 128
- [ ] 192
- [x] 256
- [ ] CTR
- [ ] 128
- [ ] 192
- [x] 256
- [ ] IGE
- [ ] 128
- [ ] 192
- [x] 256
- [ ] AES
- [x] Public Key Cryptography
- [x] RSA
- Hashing
- [ ] Blake
- [x] Blake2b
- [ ] Blake2s
- [ ] Blake3
- [ ] Argon2
- [ ] Blake
- [ ] Key Derivation Functions
- [ ] KDF
- [ ] PBKDF2
- [ ] KDF
- [ ] More?
- Fork it (
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
- Chris Watson - creator and maintainer