
Immutable classes whose main purpose is to hold data macros dataclass
0.0.1 Yanked release released

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The case_class macro defines a class whose instances are immutable and provide a natural implementation for the most common methods. It also defines some basic pattern matching functionality, to ease data extraction.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: lbarasti/case_class


require "case_class"

Let's define a class with read-only fields

case_class Person{name : String, age : Int = 18}

We can now create instances and access fields

p ="Rick", 28) # => "Rick"
p.age # => 28

The equality operator is defined to perform structural comparison

q ="Rick", 28)

p == q # => true

The hash method is defined accordingly. This guarantees predictable behaviour with Set and Hash.

  visitors = Set(Person).new
  visitors << p
  visitors << q

  visitors.size # => 1

to_s is also defined to provide a human readable string representation for a case class instance

puts p # prints "Person(Rick, 28)"

Instances of a case class are immutable. A copy method is provided to build new versions of a given object

p.copy(age: p.age + 1) # => Person(Rick, 29)

Pattern-based parameter extraction

Case classes enable you to extract parameters using some sort of pattern matching. This is powered by a custom definition of the []= operator on the case class itself.

For example, given the case classes

case_class Person{name : String, age : Int = 18}
case_class Address{line1 : String, postcode : String}
case_class Profile{person : Person, address : Address}

and a Profile instance profile

profile ="Alice", 43),"10 Strand", "EC1"))

the following is supported

age, postcode = nil, nil
Profile[Person[_, age], Address[_, postcode]] = profile

age == profile.person.age # => true
postcode == profile.address.postcode # => true

Note that it is necessary for the variables used in the pattern matching to be initialized before they appear in the pattern.

Skipping the initialization step will produce a compilation error as soon as you try to reuse such variables.

Destructuring assignment

Case classes support destructuring assignment. There is no magic involved here: case classes simply implement the indexing operator #[](idx).

person, address = profile

person == profile.person # => true
address == profile.address # => true

The inconvenience with this approach is that the type of both person and address at compile time is going to be String | Int32. This might make your code a bit uglier than it needs to be.

To circumvent this limitation, the to_tuple method is also provided. This assigns the right type to each extracted parameter even at compile-time

profile.to_tuple # => {Person(...), Address(...)}

person, address = profile.to_tuple

person == profile.person # => true
address == profile.address # => true

The macro also defines a to_named_tuple method, which provides a natural transformation of your case class instance to NamedTuple

  person.to_named_tuple # => {"name": "Alice", "age": 43}

Mind that, by design, both to_tuple and to_named_tuple are not recursive - so they will not convert case class fields to tuples / named tuples respectively.

Support for inheritance

The case_class macro supports inheritance, so the following code is valid

class Vehicle
case_class Car{passengers : Int16} < Vehicle

Known Limitations

  • case_class definition must have at least one argument. This is by design. Use class NoArgClass; end instead.
  • trying to inherit from a case class will lead to a compilation error.
case_class A{id : String}
case_class B{id : String, extra : Int32} < A # => won't compile

This is by design. Try defining your case classes so that they inherit from a commmon abstract class instead.

  • case_class definitions are body-free. If you want to define additonal methods on a case class, then just re-open the definition:
case_class YourClass{id : String}

class YourClass
  # additional methods here


To expand the macro

crystal tool expand -c <path/to/>:<line>:<col> <path/to/>


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  github: lbarasti/dataclass
  version: ~> 0.0.1
License MIT
Crystal 0.24.1


  • lbarasti

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