
0.6.0 released

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EventHandler is an event library for Crystal.

It supports:

  1. Defining events
  2. Emitting events
  3. handlers for emitted events

Each handler can run synchronously or asynchronously, run one or more times, and be added at the beginning or end of queue, or into a specific position.


Add the dependency to shard.yml:

    github: crystallabs/event_handler
    version: 0.6.0

Usage in a nutshell

Here is a basic example that defines and emits events. More detailed usage instructions are provided further below.

require "event_handler"

# Define an event
EventHandler.event ClickedEvent, x : Int32, y : Int32

# Create an event-enabled class
class MyClass
  include EventHandler
  event TestEvent, message : String, status : Bool
my = MyClass.new

# Add a block as event handler
my.on(ClickedEvent) do |e|
  puts "Clicked on position x=#{e.x}, y=#{e.y}"

# And a Proc as event handler
handler = ->(e : MyClass::TestEvent) do
  puts "Activated on #{e.class}. Message is '#{e.message}' and status is #{e.status}"
my.on MyClass::TestEvent, handler

# Emit events
my.emit ClickedEvent, 10, 20
my.emit MyClass::TestEvent, "Hello, World!", true

# Remove handlers
my.remove_all_handlers ClickedEvent
my.off MyClass::TestEvent, handler


Defining events

An event can be defined via the convenient event macro or manually.

Using event creates an event class which inherits from base class EventHandler::Event:

EventHandler.event ClickedEvent, x : Int32, y : Int32

If additional modification to the class is necessary, class can be reopened:

EventHandler.event ClickedEvent, x : Int32, y : Int32

class ClickedEvent < ::EventHandler::Event
  property test : String?

Or the whole event class can be created manually; it only needs to inherit from EventHandler::Event:

class ClickedEvent < ::EventHandler::Event
  getter x : Int32
  getter y : Int32
  property test : String?
  def initialize(@x, @y)

Adding event handlers

Event handlers can be added in five of different ways. Each handler must return a Bool.

Using a block:

my = MyClass.new

my.on(ClickedEvent) do |e|

Using a Proc:

my = MyClass.new

handler = ->(e : ClickedEvent) do

my.on ClickedEvent, handler

Using an aliased type for Proc, eliminating the need to repeat type information:

my = MyClass.new

handler = ClickedEvent::Handler.new do |e|

my.on ClickedEvent, handler

Using an existing method:

my = MyClass.new

def on_clicked(e : ClickedEvent)

my.on ClickedEvent, ->on_clicked(ClickedEvent)

Using a variation of the last example, where if an object method is used, self is preserved as expected:

class MyClass
  include EventHandler
  event ClickedEvent, x : Int32, y : Int32

  def on_clicked(e : ClickedEvent)
    p :clicked, e.x, e.y, self
my = MyClass.new

my.on ClickedEvent, ->my.on_clicked(ClickedEvent)

Using a handler "wrapper" explicitly (otherwise it would be created and used implicitly):

handler = ->(e : ClickedEvent) do

wrapper = ::EventHandler::Wrapper.new(handler: handler, once: false, async: false, at: -1)

my.on ClickedEvent, wrapper

Using a variation of the last example, where wrapper object is obtained from a call to on() and then reused:

handler = ->(e : ClickedEvent) do

wrapper = my.on ClickedEvent, handler

my.on ClickedEvent, wrapper

Event handler options

All of the above methods for adding handlers support arguments once, async, and at.

once specifies whether the handler should run only once and then be automatically removed. Default is false. In the future this option may be replaced with times which specifies how many times to run before being removed.

async specifies whether a handler should run synchronously or asynchronously. If no specific value is provided, global default from EventEmitter.async is used. Default (EventEmitter.async?) is false. You can either modify this default, or specify async on a per-on() basis.

at specifies the index in the list of handlers where new handler should be inserted. While it is possible to specify the exact position, usually this value is 0 (EventEmitter.at_beginning) to insert at the beginning or -1 (EventEmitter.at_end) to insert at the end of list. Default is EventEmitter.at_end.

As a convenience for adding handlers that should run only once, there is a method named once available instead of the usual on. These two calls are equivalent:

my.on ClickedEvent, handler, once: true, async: true, at: -1

my.once ClickedEvent, handler, async:true, at: -1

Emitting events

Events can be emitted by calling emit and listing arguments one after another:

my.emit ClickedEvent, 10, 20

Or by creating an event instance and packing arguments in it:

my.emit ClickedEvent, ClickedEvent.new(10, 20)

In either case, the handler methods will receive one argument - the event object with packed arguments.

Emitting an event returns a value. If all handlers run synchronously, the return value will be a Bool, indicating whether all handlers have completed successfully (true) or not (false).

If one or more handlers run asynchronously, the return value is immediately nil.

Handling events

As mentioned, handlers always receive one argument - an Event subclass with packed arguments.

When an event is emitted using any of available variants, such as:

my.emit ClickedEvent, ClickedEvent.new x: 10, y: 20

The arguments are directly accessible as getters on the event object:

my.on(ClickedEvent) do |e|
  puts "Clicked on position x=#{e.x}, y=#{e.y}"

All handlers must return a Bool as their return value, indicating success (true) or failure (false).

Listing event handlers

To look up the current list of installed handlers for an event, use handlers:

my.handlers ClickedEvent

Please note that handlers exposes the Array containing the list of handlers.

Modifying this array will directly modify the list of handlers defined for an event. This should only be done with due caution.

Removing event handlers

Event handlers can be removed in one of five ways:

By handler Proc:

handler = ClickedEvent::Handler.new do |e|

my.on ClickedEvent, handler
my.off ClickedEvent, handler

By handler hash:

handler = ClickedEvent::Handler.new do |e|

hash = handler.hash

my.on ClickedEvent, handler
my.off ClickedEvent, hash

By handler wrapper object:

handler = ClickedEvent::Handler.new {

wrapper = my.on ClickedEvent, handler
my.off ClickedEvent, wrapper

Internally, handlers are always removed from events by removing their wrapper object.

When wrappers are created implicitly by on(), each handler is given a different wrapper object even if added multiple times. A call to off() will find the first wrapper instance of this handler and remove it from the list. If a handler is added to an event more than once, it is necessary to call off() multiple times to remove all instances.

When handlers are added by passing a wrapper directly, adding a handler multiple times results in multiple identical wrapper objects present in the list. When off() is used to remove such handlers, each group of identical wrapper instances is removed at once and RemoveHandlerEvent is invoked once for each group with the last removed instance as argument.

Whether off(handler | hash) should find the first wrapper instance (like it does now) or all instances, and whether off(wrapper) should remove all identical wrappers (like it does now) or only the first one, is still being considered.

By index:

my.off ClickedEvent, at: 0

By removing all handlers at once:

my.remove_all_handlers ClickedEvent

When remove_all_handlers is used, RemoveHandlerEvents will be emitted as expected, and multiple identical wrappers will be removed according to the above-documented behavior. If RemoveHandlerEvent events should be disabled when using remove_all_handlers, see EventEmitter.emit_on_remove_all? and EventEmitter.emit_on_remove_all=.

Meta events

There are four built-in events:

AddHandlerEvent - Event emitted whenever a handler is added for any event, including itself.

RemoveHandlerEvent - Event emitted whenever a handler is removed from any event, including itself.

AnyEvent - Event emitted on any event. Adding a handler for this event allows listening for all emitted events and their arguments.

ExceptionEvent - Event used for emitting exceptions. If an exception is emitted using this event and there are no handlers subscribed to it, the exception will instead be raised. Appropriateness of this event in the system core is still being evaluated.

As mentioned, a wrapper object is implicitly created around a handler on every on(), to encapsulate the handler and its subscription options (the values of once?, async?, and at). When AddHandlerEvent or RemoveHandlerEvent are emitted, they are invoked with the handlers's Wrapper object as argument. This allows listeners on these two meta events full insight into the added or removed handlers and their settings.

API documentation

Run crystal docs as usual, then open file docs/index.html.

Also, see examples in the directory examples/.


Run crystal spec as usual.

Also, see examples in the directory examples/.


  • All the fine folks on FreeNode IRC channel #crystal-lang and on Crystal's Gitter channel https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal

  • Blacksmoke16 for a workable event model design

  • Asterite, Absolutejam, and Tenebrousedge for additional discussion

Related projects

List of interesting or related projects in no particular order:

  • https://github.com/hugoabonizio/event_emitter.cr - Idiomatic asynchronous event-driven architecture
  github: crystallabs/event_handler
  version: ~> 0.6.0
License MIT
Crystal 0.31.1


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