
Get CPU, Memory and Network informations of the running OS and its processes hardware cpu memory network system
0.3.0 released


Build Status

This is a very basic module to help get CPU and memory usage of the current running OS

Tested on Linux.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: crystal-community/hardware


Methods included in the Hardware::CPU struct:


Creates a new Hardware::CPU based on the current memory state.

#info : NamedTuple(used: Int32, idle: Int32, total: Int32)

Returns the current used, idle and total CPU time.

#previous_info : NamedTuple(used: Int32, idle: Int32, total: Int32)

Returns the previous used, idle and total CPU time. Used to store the previous CPU time informations to calculate the percentage in.used.

#stat : Array(Int32)

Returns a parsed /proc/stat.

#used(update = true) : Int32

Returns the CPU used in percentage based on @@previous_info.

user nice system idle iowait irq softirq steal guest guest_nice : Int32

Instance methods based on #stat.

Methods included in the Hardware::Memory struct:


Creates a new Hardware::Memory based on the current memory state.

#available : Int32

Returns the available memory in KiloBytes.

#meminfo : Hash(String, Int64)

Returns an Hash from a parsed /proc/meminfo.

#percent(used = true) : Int32

Returns either the used/available memory in percentage.

#total : Int32

Returns the total memory in KiloBytes.

#used : Int32

Returns the memory used in KiloBytes.

Methods included in the Hardware::PID struct:

.new(@pid : Int32 = Process.pid, @cpu_time = true, @cpu_total = true)

Creates a new Hardware::PID. @cpu_time and @cpu_total updates the CPU time informations. Set to false if lots of Hardware::PID are created.

.new(executable : String, cpu_time = true, cpu_total = true)

Creates a new Hardware::PID by finding the executable's pid.

.all(cpu_time = false, cpu_total = false) : Hardware::PID

Yields a Hardware::PID for each PID existing on the system.

#command : String

Returns a String representation of /proc/@pid/cmdline.

#cmdline : String

Returns /proc/@pid/cmdline.

#cpu_time(children = false)

Returns the CPU time without including ones from children processes.

#cpu_used : Float32

Returns the CPU used in percentage.

#exe : String | Nil

Returns /proc/@pid/exe if readable.

.get_pids(executable : String) : Array(Int32)

Return all pids corresponding of a given executable name.

#memory : Int32

Returns the actual memory used by the process.

#name : String

Returns the PID name based on #exe or #cmdline.

.cpu_total_current : Int32

Returns @@cpu_total_current.

#cpu_total_previous : Int32

Returns @cpu_total_previous.

#cpu_time_previous : Int32

Returns @cpu_time_previous.

#stat : Array(String)

Returns a parsed /proc/@pid/stat.

#statm : Array(Int32)

Returns a parsed /proc/@pid/statm.

#status : Hash(String, String)

Returns a parsed /proc/@pid/status.

ppid pgrp session tty_nr tpgid flags minflt cminflt majflt cmajflt utime stime cutime cstime priority nice numthreads itrealvalue starttime vsize rss : Int32

Instance methods based on #stat.


require "hardware"

memory = Hardware::Memory.new
memory.used         #=> 2731404
memory.percent.to_i #=> 32

cpu = Hardware::CPU.new
pid = Hardware::PID.new(1)         # Default Process.pid.
app = Hardware::PID.new("firefox") # Take the first matching PID

loop do
  sleep 1
  cpu.used.to_i     #=> 17
  pid.cpu_used      #=> 1.5
  app.cpu_used.to_i #=> 4



You can run the specs in a Docker container:

$ docker-compose up
$ docker-compose run spec


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/crystal-community/hardware/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  github: crystal-community/hardware
  version: ~> 0.3.0
License MIT
Crystal 0.24.2


Dependencies 0

Development Dependencies 0

Dependents 1

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