Read and Write Mp3 metadata in crystal This is a very simple library without a rapper or anything The raw methods and use cases are explained bellow please don't hesitate to make an issue I will fix as soon as possible ENJOY!!!
Add the dependency to your
:dependencies: id3tag: github: h4ppyr0gu3/id3tag
shards install
require "id3tag"
file ='path/to/file')
Reading Tags
it is possible to read one or multiple tags when it comes to picture tags, a new file is produced and spits out a filename<TAG_NAME_HERE>)
to read multiple tags
# returns an array of tag objects
Writing Tags, output_file_name)
Tag Hash
key value pair where the 4 letters in caps are one of the following:
- APIC [#sec4.15 Attached picture]
- COMM [#sec4.11 Comments]
- COMR [#sec4.25 Commercial frame]
- TALB [#TALB Album/Movie/Show title]
- TBPM [#TBPM BPM (beats per minute)]
- TCOM [#TCOM Composer]
- TCON [#TCON Content type]
- TCOP [#TCOP Copyright message]
- TDAT [#TDAT Date]
- TEXT [#TEXT Lyricist/Text writer]
- TIT1 [#TIT1 Content group description]
- TIT2 [#TIT2 Title/songname/content description]
- TIT3 [#TIT3 Subtitle/Description refinement]
- TLAN [#TLAN Language(s)]
- TLEN [#TLEN Length]
- TOAL [#TOAL Original album/movie/show title]
- TOFN [#TOFN Original filename]
- TOLY [#TOLY Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)]
- TOPE [#TOPE Original artist(s)/performer(s)]
- TORY [#TORY Original release year]
- TPE1 [#TPE1 Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)]
- TPE2 [#TPE2 Band/orchestra/accompaniment]
- TPE3 [#TPE3 Conductor/performer refinement]
- TPE4 [#TPE4 Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by]
- TPOS [#TPOS Part of a set]
- TPUB [#TPUB Publisher]
- TRCK [#TRCK Track number/Position in set]
- TSIZ [#TSIZ Size]
- TSRC [#TSRC ISRC (international standard recording code)]
- TSSE [#TSEE Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding]
- TYER [#TYER Year]
- TXXX [#TXXX User defined text information frame]
N.B. an extensive list can be found on
N.B. some are unsupported but if you would like them to be supported please create a PR and explain how you would intend for them to be used
"TIT2": "post malonef skfj",
"TALB": "test",
"TCOM": "composer",
"TCON": "hip/hop",
"APIC": "path/to/file.jpg",
- Fork it (
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
- David Rogers - creator and maintainer