Inflector (port of ActiveSupport::Inflector) 
This is an attempt to bring ActiveSupport's Inflector to Crystal. It started as a test idea for another project (Native Ruby extensions in Crystal), but then worked well enough that I decided to turn it into its own project.
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: phoffer/
version: "~> 0.1.8"
Somewhere in your app initialization, require "inflector"
. passes specs with Crystal versions 0.17.4
, 0.18.7
, 0.19.2
, 0.20.0
, and 0.21.0
Additionally, there are core extensions to String
and Int
. If you want these, then require "inflector/core_ext
instead of the standard require
Some examples are probably best. There is a full set of examples in spec/inflector/
Inflector.camelize("active_model") # => "ActiveModel"
Inflector.underscore("ActiveModel") # => "active_model"
Inflector.humanize("employee_salary") # => "Employee salary"
Inflector.humanize("author_id") # => "Author"
Inflector.upcase_first("what a Lovely Day") # => "What a Lovely Day"
Inflector.titleize("x-men: the last stand") # => "X Men: The Last Stand"
Inflector.classify("ham_and_eggs") # => "HamAndEgg"
Inflector.demodulize("CoreExt::String::Inflections") # => "Inflections"
Inflector.deconstantize("Net::HTTP") # => "Net"
Inflector.foreign_key("Message") # => "message_id"
Inflector.ordinalize(1) # => "1st"
Inflector.ordinal(1) # => "st"
Inflector.dasherize("puni_puni") # => "puni-puni"
Additionally, these are available if you required the core extensions. Additional examples are in spec/inflector/core_ext_spec
1.ordinalize # => "1st"
1.ordinal # => "st"
"post".pluralize # => "posts"
"octopus".pluralize # => "octopi"
"posts".singularize # => "post"
"active_record".camelize # => "ActiveRecord"
"man from the boondocks".titleize # => "Man From The Boondocks"
"CoreExt::String::Inflections".demodulize # => "Inflections"
"Net::HTTP".deconstantize # => "Net"
"fancyCategory".tableize # => "fancy_categories"
"ham_and_eggs".classify # => "HamAndEgg"
"employee_salary".humanize # => "Employee salary"
"what a Lovely Day".upcase_first # => "What a Lovely Day"
"Message".foreign_key # => "message_id"
- [ ] Enable additional tests (tests have been mostly ported from ActiveSupport::Inflector)
- [x] Hook up Travis CI
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request