
Swagger contains a OpenAPI / Swagger universal documentation generator and server handler crystal-http-handler crystal-api-document swagger swagger-generator swagger-documentation
0.1.0-preview released
41 10 2


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Swagger is low-level library which generate output compatible with Swagger / OpenAPI Spec 3.0.1, and wrapped many friendly API let developer understand and use it easier.


    github: icyleaf/swagger

Quick look

require "swagger"

builder = Swagger::Builder.new(
  title: "App API",
  version: "1.0.0",
  description: "This is a sample api for users",
  terms: "http://yourapp.com/terms",
  contact: Swagger::Contact.new("icyleaf", "icyleaf.cn@gmail.com", "http://icyleaf.com"),
  license: Swagger::License.new("MIT", "https://github.com/icyleaf/swagger/blob/master/LICENSE"),
  authorizations: [
    Swagger::Authorization.jwt(description: "Use JWT Auth"),

builder.add(Swagger::Controller.new("Users", "User resources", [
  Swagger::Action.new("get", "/users", "All users"),
  Swagger::Action.new("get", "/users/{id}", "Get user by id", parameters: [
    Swagger::Parameter.new("id", "path")
  ], responses: [
    Swagger::Response.new("200", "Success response"),
    Swagger::Response.new("404", "Not found user")
  Swagger::Action.new("post", "/users", "Create User", responses: [
    Swagger::Response.new("201", "Return user resource after created"),
    Swagger::Response.new("401", "Unauthorizated")

document = builder.built
p document


├── action.cr
├── authorization.cr
├── builder.cr
├── controller.cr
├── error.cr
├── object.cr
├── parameter.cr
├── property.cr
├── request.cr
├── response.cr
├── server.cr
├── http                          # HTTP libraries
│   ├── assets
│   ├── handers
│   ├── handler.cr
│   ├── server.cr
│   └── views
└── objects                       # OpenAPI objects
    ├── components.cr
    ├── document.cr
    ├── encoding.cr
    ├── example.cr
    ├── external_docs.cr
    ├── header.cr
    ├── info.cr
    ├── link.cr
    ├── media_type.cr
    ├── operation.cr
    ├── parameter.cr
    ├── path_item.cr
    ├── property.cr
    ├── request_body.cr
    ├── response.cr
    ├── schema.cr
    ├── security_scheme.cr
    ├── server.cr
    └── tag.cr

Running on web

Swagger provids a built-in web server, if you have no idea how to preview it:

require "swagger"
require "swagger/http/server"

# made your document
document = builder.built

# Run web server


Swagger has two HTTP handlers which you can integrate it to mostly Crystal framework (like kemal, amber, lucky etc):

  • Swagger::HTTP::APIHandler
  • Swagger::HTTP::WebHandler


See more examples.


  • [x] openapi
  • [x] Info Object
  • [x] Paths Object
    • [x] PathItem Object
      • [x] Parameter Object
      • [x] RequestBody Object
      • [x] Responses Object
      • [x] Security Object
      • [x] Tag Object
  • [x] Tags Object
  • [x] Servers Objec
    • [x] ServerVariables Object
  • [x] Security Object
  • [ ] Components Object
    • [x] Schemas Object
    • [x] SecuritySchemes Object
      • [x] Basic
      • [x] Bearer (include JWT)
      • [x] APIKey
      • [x] OAuth2
  • [ ] ExternalDocs Object


Swagger is a open source, collaboratively funded project. If you run a business and are using Swagger in a revenue-generating product, it would make business sense to sponsor Swagger development. Individual users are also welcome to make a one time donation if Swagger has helped you in your work or personal projects.

You can donate via Paypal.

How to Contribute

Your contributions are always welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue to add a new question, bug or feature to the list.

Here is a throughput graph of the repository for the last few weeks:

All Contributors are on the wall.

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MIT License © icyleaf

  github: icyleaf/swagger
  version: ~> 0.1.0-preview
License MIT
Crystal 0.27.0


Dependencies 0

Development Dependencies 0

Dependents 1

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