
Generate ASCII character tables with support for spanning cells over multiple columns terminal table ascii-art cli colspan tty
0.9.3 Latest release released
57 5 2


Generate pretty Unicode, ASCII or Markdown tables on the terminal for your command line programs.

tallboy is a DSL for quickly creating text based tables in Crystal.

Quick start

table = Tallboy.table do
  header ["name", "hex"]
  row ["mistyrose",       "#ffe4e1"]
  row ["darkolivegreen",  "#556b2f"]
  row ["papayawhip",      "#ffefd5"]

puts table
│ name           │ hex     │
│ mistyrose      │ #ffe4e1 │
│ darkolivegreen │ #556b2f │
│ papayawhip     │ #ffefd5 │
# full API

table = Tallboy.table do
  # define 3 columns. set first column width to 12 & align right 
  columns do 
    add "size", width: 12, align: :right
    add "http method"
    add "path"

  # add header with multiple lines
  header "good\nfood\nhunting", align: :right

  # add header with column span on one cell
  header do
    cell ""
    cell "routes", span: 2
  # add header inferred from column definitions
  # [size, http method, path]

  rows [
    ["207 B", "post", "/dishes"],
    ["1.3 kB", "get", "/dishes"],
    ["910 B", "patch", "/dishes/:id"],
    ["10.2 kB", "delete", "/dishes/:id"],

puts table
│                                   good │
│                                   food │
│                                hunting │
│            │ routes                    │
│       size │ http method │ path        │
│      207 B │ post        │ /dishes     │
│     1.3 kB │ get         │ /dishes     │
│      910 B │ patch       │ /dishes/:id │
│    10.2 kB │ delete      │ /dishes/:id │

# draw border joints correctly even with different span sizes :)

Top Features

  • spanning cells across muliple columns and entire rows
  • simple, readable and flexible API
  • text alignment (left, right, center)
  • set width and alignment for entire columns with column definitions
  • static type checking for almost all DSL options
  • support multi-line cells with the newline character
  • full custom styling or choose from multiple border styles including ascii, unicode and markdown
  • render directly into IO for better performance

Install it as a shard

  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:
    github: epoch/tallboy
  1. Run shards install

Simple tutorial

  1. create a table with Tallboy.table
table = Tallboy.table do
  1. define columns. here we will define a 4 column table with columns.
table = Tallboy.table do
  columns do
    add "id"
    add "name"
    add "description"
    add "price
  1. add rows. you can add single row with row or nested arrays with rows. values can be any object that has a to_s method.
table = Tallboy.table do
  columns do
    add "id"
    add "name"
    add "description"
    add "price"

  rows [
    [1, "cake", "goes well with pudding", 3.4],
    [2, "pudding", "so good with cake!", 12.5],
    [3, "burger", "from the reburgulator", 22.9],
    [4, "chips", "wait you mean fries?", 5],
  1. add header. we can manually add header with header with arguments or pass no arguments to inferred from column definitions. header is just a row with a border below.
table = Tallboy.table do
  columns do
    add "id"
    add "name"
    add "description"
    add "price"

  rows [
    [1, "cake", "goes well with pudding", 3.4],
    [2, "pudding", "so good with cake!", 12.5],
    [3, "burger", "from the reburgulator", 22.9],
    [4, "chips", "wait you mean fries?", 5],
  1. add footer. we can add footer with footer. footer is a row with border on top. If we pass a string instead of an array it will auto span all 4 columns based on the other rows defined in this table. nice! :)
table = Tallboy.table do
  columns do
    add "id"
    add "name"
    add "description"
    add "price"
  rows [
    [1, "cake", "goes well with pudding", 3.4],
    [2, "pudding", "so good with cake!", 12.5],
    [3, "burger", "from the reburgulator", 22.9],
    [4, "chips", "wait you mean fries?", 5],
  footer "43.8"
  1. set column span, widths and aligments. header, row and footer also take blocks. here we can set column span on a cell within the footer.
table = Tallboy.table do
  columns do
    add "id"
    add "name"
    add "description"
    add "price"
  rows [
    [1, "cake", "goes well with pudding", 3.4],
    [2, "pudding", "so good with cake!", 12.5],
    [3, "burger", "from the reburgulator", 22.9],
    [4, "chips", "wait you mean fries?", 5],
  footer do
    cell "total", span: 3
    cell "43.8"
  1. render with different border styles.
puts table.render # defaults to unicode
puts table.render(:ascii) # classic look

# markdown does not support column spans and outer edge borders
# turning off top and bottom border with border set to `:none`

table = Tallboy.table(border: :none) do
  header ["name", "hex"]
  row ["mistyrose",       "#ffe4e1"]
  row ["darkolivegreen",  "#556b2f"]
  row ["papayawhip",      "#ffefd5"]

puts table.render(:markdown) 
| name           | hex     |
| mistyrose      | #ffe4e1 |
| darkolivegreen | #556b2f |
| papayawhip     | #ffefd5 |
  1. tallboy supports rendering into custom IO

  Tallboy.table do
    row [1,2,3]

How it works

Most components in tallboy can be invoked separately. The design philosophy is inspired by how web browsers renders HTML.

│                  web browser vs tallboy                   │
│ HTML ──> Document Object Model ──> render tree ──> pixels │
│ DSL  ──> Table Object Model    ──> render tree ──> text   │
data = [

# TableBuilder is the DSL that returns an object model
table_object_model = Tallboy::TableBuilder.new do 

# ComputedTableBuilder takes the object model and calculate widths for each cell 
computed_table = Tallboy::ComputedTableBuilder.new(table_object_model).build

# RenderTreeBuilder work out borders, spans and organize into nodes to rendering
render_tree = Tallboy::RenderTreeBuilder.new(computed_table).build

# render into output with unicode border style
io = Tallboy::Renderer.new(render_tree).render


for more examples checkout tallboy_spec.cr


Issues and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at (https://github.com/epoch/tallboy)

  github: epoch/tallboy
  version: ~> 0.9.3
License MIT
Crystal 0.35.1


Dependencies 0

Development Dependencies 0

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