
Low-level component for building term/console applications terminfo escape-sequence terminfo-data tput console terminal
0.4.0 released

Build Status Version License


Tput is a low-level component for building term/console applications in Crystal.

It is closely related to shard Terminfo. Terminfo parses terminfo files into instances of Terminfo::Data or custom classes.

Tput builds on this basic functionality to provide a more functional environment. In addition to using the Terminfo data, it also detects the terminal program and its known bugs or quirks, and configures itself for outputting the correct escape sequences.

It also provides sensible generic defaults in the case that using Terminfo data is not desired or appropriate terminfo file cannot be found.

It is implemented natively and does not depend on ncurses or other external library.


Add the dependency to shard.yml:

    github: crystallabs/tput
    version: 0.4.0

Usage in a nutshell

Here is a basic example that initializes Tput, checks some of the boolean and numeric capabilities, and then moves the cursor 10 times diagonally.

require "tput"

# With own class
class MyClass
  include Tput
my = false)

# With built-in class
my = false)

# Check whether we are running under an XTerm:
p my.xterm?

# Test a couple boolean capabilities
p my.booleans["needs_xon_xoff"] # Same as ["nxon"] or ["nx"]
p my.booleans["over_strike"]    # Same as ["os"]

# Print a couple numeric values
p my.numbers["columns"]         # Same as ["cols"] or ["co"]
p my.numbers["lines"]           # Same as ["lines"] or ["li"]

10.times do |i|
  my.rmove 1, -1
  my.print i.to_s
  sleep 0.5

Tput can also output string capabilities. Most of the string capabilities are non-parametric and simply output fixed sequences appropriate for current terminal. However, some also accept integer arguments, such as color pairs or cursor position.

Tput wraps all string capabilities into callable Procs. These Procs can be called at three levels of abstraction. From lowest to highest:

Directly, returning the escape sequence as a string:

NO_ARGS = Array(Int16).new

print my.methods["bell"].call NO_ARGS
print my.methods["carriage_return"].call NO_ARGS
print my.methods["cursor_position"].call 10i16, 20i16

Via #put(), automatically outputting the sequence to the terminal:

my.put "bell"
my.put "cr"
my.put "cursor_address", 10, 20
puts "Hi!"

Via object methods, taking into account terminal specifics, state, buffering, etc.:

# Invoke string capabilities via predefined methods (high-level)
my.cup 10, 20

All the methods and capability names have many aliases. For example, cursor_position can be accessed under all full and aliased names and terminfo and termcap capability names: cursor_position, cursor_pos, cursor_address, cup, cm, and pos.

API documentation

Run crystal docs as usual, then open file docs/index.html.

Also, see examples in the directory examples/.


Run crystal spec as usual.

Also, see examples in the directory examples/.


  • All the fine folks on FreeNode IRC channel #crystal-lang and on Crystal's Gitter channel

Other projects

List of interesting or similar projects in no particular order:

  • - Basic app environment on top of tput
  • - Complete term/console toolkit for Crystal
  github: crystallabs/tput
  version: ~> 0.4.0
License MIT
Crystal 0.32.0


Dependencies 2

  • terminfo ~> 0.7.1
    {'github' => 'crystallabs/terminfo', 'version' => '~> 0.7.1'}
  • timer ~> 0.1.0
    {'github' => 'vladfaust/', 'version' => '~> 0.1.0'}

Development Dependencies 0

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