
Convenience/add-on shard for unibilium.cr
1.1.0 Latest release released

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Convenience library for unibilium.cr, a unibilium bindings library.

In addition to functionality in the unibilium.cr shard, unibilium-shim supports:

  1. Accessing and running standard capabilities using long string names, short string names, and methods
  2. Accessing and running standard capabilities using long string names, short string names, and methods
  3. Interpreting return values (testing for false, <0, and nil) to indicate missing/disabled capabilities
  4. Printing out string capabilities to specified IO


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: crystallabs/unibilium-shim.cr
    version: ~> 1.0


Usage in a nutshell:

require "unibilium-shim"

class My
  # Use ONE of the following two:
  include ::Unibilium::Terminfo::Shim::RunMethods    # Methods return terminfo values
  #include ::Unibilium::Terminfo::Shim::AliasMethods # Methods return terminfo key names

  def initialize
    @terminfo = ::Unibilium::Terminfo.from_env
    @shim = ::Unibilium::Terminfo::Shim.new @terminfo

my = My.new

From there, there are multiple ways how the shard's functionality can be used (from lowest-level to highest-level functionality):

  1. Terminfo capabilities and their aliased names can be looked up via strings in the Unibilium::Terminfo::Shim::Aliases Hash. This just maps strings to the appropriate enum members for invoking unibilium.cr methods:
  "auto_left_margin" => ::Unibilium::Entry::Boolean::Auto_left_margin,
  "bw" => ::Unibilium::Entry::Boolean::Auto_left_margin,
  1. Terminfo capabilities and their aliased names can also be looked up via methods. Again this just invokes the methods and the methods return the appropriate enum members:
class My
  include Unibilium::Terminfo::Shim::AliasMethods

  def initialize
    @terminfo = Unibilium::Terminfo.from_env # Or any other way

    auto_left_margin # => ::Unibilium::Entry::Boolean::Auto_left_margin
    bw               # => ::Unibilium::Entry::Boolean::Auto_left_margin

But, doing Hash lookups or running methods just to retrieve the original/non-aliased enum member names is not all that useful. So:

  1. Terminfo capabilities can also be run, via methods. As explained this does not return the enum members but their actual values. Additionally if string capabilities support parameters, providing the parameters runs the string capabilities and returns the final/interpreted values.

Also, it is possible to specify an IO as the first argument to string methods, in which case the strings will be run when needed and then written into the IO.

class My
  def initialize
    @terminfo = Unibilium::Terminfo.from_env # Or any other way
    @shim = Unibilium::Terminfo::Shim.new @terminfo

    # Booleans
    @shim.auto_left_margin  # => true or Exception
    @shim.auto_left_margin? # => true or nil

    # Numeric
    @shim.lines   # => Int >= 0 or Exception
    @shim.lines?  # => Int >= 0 or nil

    # String. This doesn't run, just returns the values:
    @shim.cursor_pos  # => Bytes or Exception
    @shim.cursor_pos? # => Bytes or nil

    # String. This runs/executes the capabilities and returns interpreted values:
    @shim.cursor_pos(10, 20)  # => Bytes or Exception
    @shim.cursor_pos?(10, 20) # => Bytes or nil

    # And this one automatically writes the string value to the IO
    @shim.cursor_pos(STDOUT, 10, 20)
    @shim.cursor_pos?(STDOUT, 10, 20)

  1. Or the methods for accessing Terminfo capabilities and their aliased names can be included in the current class; only @terminfo must exist:
class My
  include Unibilium::Terminfo::Shim::RunMethods

  def initialize
    @terminfo = Unibilium::Terminfo.from_env # Or any other way

    auto_left_margin  # => true or Exception
    auto_left_margin? # => true or nil

    cursor_pos(10, 20)  # => Bytes or Exception
    cursor_pos?(10, 20) # => Bytes or nil


NOTE When using approaches (2) or (4), note that the alias and run methods have the same names, thus they can't both be included in a class at the same time as the methods will overwrite each other.

Practical Example

require "unibilium-shim"

class X
  include ::Unibilium::Terminfo::Shim::RunMethods

  def initialize
    @terminfo = ::Unibilium::Terminfo.from_env

STDOUT.write x.cursor_address(10,20)
STDOUT.print "This text is printed at position 10,20"

The final level of convenience are probably the .method?(...) methods.

x.cursor_address(STDOUT, 10,20)

Return Values

The return values are interpreted by the shim to differentiate between existing and absent capabilities.

Boolean values returning false, numeric values returning less than 0, and string values returning null are treated as absent and either result in returning nil (when they're accessed with []?) or in raising an exception. In other cases, the corresponding (and truthy) values are returned.

Boolean and numeric capabilities can't be executed so the return values from their RunMethods are the values themselves.

String capabilities can be executed using format or run. If RunMethods corresponding to string capabilities are invoked, the format strings are returned. If arguments are provided, the strings are interpreted in the context of supplied arguments. The return value is Bytes in both cases. This value is suitable as an argument for IO#write.

If an IO is passed as the first argument into string capability methods, the resulting strings are automatically written to the IO.

Auto-generation of code

If you look at src/{aliases,alias_methods,run_methods}.cr, you will notice long lists of defined methods. They are generated by scripts in support/.


Extended capabilities are currently not addressed by this shard. E.g. extended capability "AX" does not appear anywhere in aliased or run methods produced by this shard.


Run crystal spec as usual.


Run crystal docs as usual.


  • All the fine folks on Libera.Chat IRC channel #crystal-lang and on Crystal's Gitter channel https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal

  • Blacksmoke16

  • Oprypin


  github: crystallabs/unibilium-shim.cr
  version: ~> 1.1.0
License AGPLv3
Crystal 1.0.0


Dependencies 1

  • unibilium ~> 1.0
    {'github' => 'crystallabs/unibilium.cr', 'version' => '~> 1.0'}

Development Dependencies 0

Dependents 1

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