
A HTTP capture and replay implementation for crystal
0.5.2 released
58 7 3

Dependencies 1

  • habitat Type safe configuration for your classes and modules
    {'github' => 'luckyframework/habitat'}

Development Dependencies 1

  • halite Crystal HTTP Requests with a chainable REST API, built-in sessions and loggers
    {'github' => 'icyleaf/halite'}

Dependents 4

  • crest (7 dependents) Simple HTTP and REST client, inspired by the Ruby's RestClient gem
  • crafana A Grafana library to help autogenerate dashboards
  • kube-client Crystal client library for the Kubernetes (1.11+) API
  • tmdb The Movie DB (TMDb) api wrapper
  github: spoved/
  version: ~> 0.5.2
License MIT
Crystal >= 0.36.1, < 2.0.0


Dependencies 1

  • habitat
    {'github' => 'luckyframework/habitat'}

Development Dependencies 1

Dependents 4

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