
Automatically installs and manages various browsers' webdrivers for Selenium testing selenium webdrivers
0.3.0 released

Dependencies 2

  • crystar ~> 0.1.6 Readers and writers of Tar archive format
    {'github' => 'naqvis/crystar', 'version' => '~> 0.1.6'}
  • habitat ~> 0.4.3 Type safe configuration for your classes and modules
    {'github' => 'luckyframework/habitat', 'version' => '~> 0.4.3'}

Development Dependencies 0

    No development dependencies.

Dependents 0

    No shards depend on this.
  github: matthewmcgarvey/webdrivers.cr
  version: ~> 0.3.0
License MIT
Crystal 0.35.0


Dependencies 2

  • crystar ~> 0.1.6
    {'github' => 'naqvis/crystar', 'version' => '~> 0.1.6'}
  • habitat ~> 0.4.3
    {'github' => 'luckyframework/habitat', 'version' => '~> 0.4.3'}

Development Dependencies 0

Dependents 0

Last synced .
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