
A SQL toolkit for Crystal, inspired by Java's jOOQ and Ruby's Sequel gem
0.3.2 Latest release released
5 1 3
Alistair A. Israel

Dependencies 1

  • logging 0.2
    {'github' => 'aisrael/logging.cr', 'version' => 0.2}

Development Dependencies 3

  • ameba 0.8.0 A static code analysis tool
    {'github' => 'veelenga/ameba', 'version' => '0.8.0'}
  • pg 0.15.0 A Postgres driver
    {'github' => 'will/crystal-pg', 'version' => '0.15.0'}
  • spec2 ~> 0.9 Enhanced spec testing library
    {'github' => 'waterlink/spec2.cr', 'version' => '~> 0.9'}

Dependents 1

  • migro A database migration tool that allows migrations to be specified in either YAML or raw SQL
  github: aisrael/cql
  version: ~> 0.3.2
License MIT
Crystal 0.26.1


Dependencies 1

  • logging 0.2
    {'github' => 'aisrael/logging.cr', 'version' => 0.2}

Development Dependencies 3

  • ameba 0.8.0
    {'github' => 'veelenga/ameba', 'version' => '0.8.0'}
  • pg 0.15.0
    {'github' => 'will/crystal-pg', 'version' => '0.15.0'}
  • spec2 ~> 0.9
    {'github' => 'waterlink/spec2.cr', 'version' => '~> 0.9'}

Dependents 1

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