
Dedicated Platform Package Manager for server applications installer systemd openrc application package-manager self-hosted
HEAD Latest release released
116 12

Dependencies 8

  • clicr A simple declarative command line interface builder
    {'github' => 'j8r/clicr'}
  • con A simple, fast and readable JSON-compatible serialization format
    {'github' => 'j8r/con'}
  • dynany Dynamic JSON/YAML/CON mapping manipulation - extends Any
    {'github' => 'j8r/dynany'}
  • exec Basic Shell-like, async by default, command execution with no shell interpreter invocation
    {'github' => 'j8r/exec.cr'}
  • libcrown Library for Unix users, groups and passwords manipulation
    {'github' => 'j8r/libcrown'}
  • mysql MySQL connector for Crystal
    {'github' => 'crystal-lang/crystal-mysql'}
  • semantic_compare Compare semver versions using semantic expressions
    {'github' => 'j8r/semantic_compare'}
  • tail Tailing library to get and/or follow the end of a file/IO
    {'github' => 'j8r/tail.cr'}

Development Dependencies 1

  • ameba A static code analysis tool
    {'github' => 'crystal-ameba/ameba'}

Dependents 0

    No shards depend on this.
  github: DFabric/dppm
License ISC
Crystal none


Dependencies 8

Development Dependencies 1

  • ameba
    {'github' => 'crystal-ameba/ameba'}

Dependents 0

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