
A .env parser/loader improved for performance dotenv dotenv-parser dotenv-loader
0.2.0 released
29 2 1



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A .env parser/loader improved for performance. Poncho Icon by lastspark from Noun Project.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: icyleaf/poncho


Add your application configuration to your .env file in the root of your project:


Now you can parse or load it.


Poncho parses the contents of your file containing environment variables is available to use. It accepts a String or IO and will return an Hash with the parsed keys and values.


Poncho parser currently supports the following rules:

  • Skipped the empty line and comment(#).
  • Ignore the comment which after (#).
  • NAME=foo becomes {"NAME" => "foo"}.
  • Empty values become empty strings.
  • Whirespace is removed from right ends of the value.
  • Single and Double quoted values are escaped.
  • New lines are expanded if in double quotes.
  • Inner quotes are maintained (such like json).
  • Overwrite optional (default is non-overwrite).
  • Only accpets string type value.


By default, Poncho won't overwrite existing environment variables as dotenv assumes the deployment environment has more knowledge about configuration than the application does. To overwrite existing environment variables you can use Poncho.parse!(string_or_io) / Poncho.from_file(file, overwrite: true) and Poncho.parse(string_or_io, overwrite: true).


require "poncho"
# Or only import parser
require "poncho/parser"

poncho = Poncho.from_file ".env"
# or
poncho = Poncho.parse("ENV=development\nENV=production")
poncho["ENV"] # => "development"

# Overwrite value with exists key
poncho = Poncho.parse!("ENV=development\nENV=production")
poncho["ENV"] # => "production"


Poncho loads the environment file is easy to use. It accepts both single file (or path) and multiple files.


Poncho loads single file supports the following order with environment name (default is development):

  • .env - The Original®
  • .env.development - Environment-specific settings.
  • .env.local - Local overrides. This file is loaded for all environments except test.
  • .env.development.local - Local overrides of environment-specific settings.

NO effect with multiple files.


By default, Poncho won't overwrite existing environment variables as dotenv assumes the deployment environment has more knowledge about configuration than the application does. To overwrite existing environment variables you can use Poncho.load!(*files) or Poncho.load(*files, overwrite: true).


# Load singe file
# Searching order: .env.development, .env.local, .env.development.local
Poncho.load ".env"

# Load from path
Poncho.load "config/"

# Load production file
# Searching order: .env, .env.production, .env.local, .env.production.local
Poncho.load ".env", env: "production"

# Load multiple files, ignore enviroment name.
Poncho.load ".env", ".env.local", env: "test"
# Searching order: .env, .env.local


Poncho is a open source, collaboratively funded project. If you run a business and are using Poncho in a revenue-generating product, it would make business sense to sponsor Poncho development. Individual users are also welcome to make a one time donation if Totem has helped you in your work or personal projects.

You can donate via Paypal.

How to Contribute

Your contributions are always welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue to add a new question, bug or feature to the list.

All Contributors are on the wall.

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MIT License © icyleaf

  github: icyleaf/poncho
  version: ~> 0.2.0
License MIT
Crystal 0.26.0


Dependencies 0

Development Dependencies 0

Dependents 1

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