
SQLite3 bindings sqlite3 database driver
0.20.0 released

crystal-sqlite3 Build Status

SQLite3 bindings for Crystal.

Check crystal-db for general db driver documentation. crystal-sqlite3 driver is registered under sqlite3:// uri.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: crystal-lang/crystal-sqlite3


require "sqlite3"

DB.open "sqlite3://./data.db" do |db|
  db.exec "create table contacts (name text, age integer)"
  db.exec "insert into contacts values (?, ?)", "John Doe", 30

  args = [] of DB::Any
  args << "Sarah"
  args << 33
  db.exec "insert into contacts values (?, ?)", args: args

  puts "max age:"
  puts db.scalar "select max(age) from contacts" # => 33

  puts "contacts:"
  db.query "select name, age from contacts order by age desc" do |rs|
    puts "#{rs.column_name(0)} (#{rs.column_name(1)})"
    # => name (age)
    rs.each do
      puts "#{rs.read(String)} (#{rs.read(Int32)})"
      # => Sarah (33)
      # => John Doe (30)


  • Time is implemented as TEXT column using SQLite3::DATE_FORMAT_SUBSECOND format (or SQLite3::DATE_FORMAT_SECOND if the text does not contain a dot).
  • Bool is implemented as INT column mapping 0/1 values.

Setting PRAGMAs

You can adjust certain SQLite3 PRAGMAs automatically when the connection is created by using the query parameters:

require "sqlite3"

DB.open "sqlite3://./data.db?journal_mode=wal&synchronous=normal" do |db|
  # this database now uses WAL journal and normal synchronous mode
  # (defaults were `delete` and `full`, respectively)

The following is the list of supported options:

| Name | Connection key | |---------------------------|-----------------| | Busy Timeout | busy_timeout | | Cache Size | cache_size | | Foreign Keys | foreign_keys | | Journal Mode | journal_mode | | Synchronous | synchronous | | WAL autocheckoint | wal_autocheckpoint |

Please note there values passed using these connection keys are passed directly to SQLite3 without check or evaluation. Using incorrect values result in no error by the library.

  github: crystal-lang/crystal-sqlite3
  version: ~> 0.20.0
License MIT
Crystal >= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0


Dependencies 1

  • db ~> 0.12.0
    {'github' => 'crystal-lang/crystal-db', 'version' => '~> 0.12.0'}

Development Dependencies 0

Dependents 32

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