
Authentication shard inspired by Devise supporting: Authenticable, Confirmable, Invitable & more
0.3.1 Latest release released
25 2 1

Dependencies 2

Development Dependencies 5

  • amber master Open source efficient and cohesive web application framework
    {'branch' => 'master', 'github' => 'amberframework/amber'}
  • ameba ~> 0.11.0 A static code analysis tool
    {'github' => 'crystal-ameba/ameba', 'version' => '~> 0.11.0'}
  • granite master ORM for Postgres, Mysql, Sqlite
    {'branch' => 'master', 'github' => 'amberframework/granite'}
  • jennifer master Active Record pattern implementation with flexible query chainable builder and migration system
    {'branch' => 'master', 'github' => 'imdrasil/'}
  • sam master Another one Rake-like task manager with namespacing and arguments system
    {'branch' => 'master', 'github' => 'imdrasil/'}

Dependents 0

    No shards depend on this.
  github: awcrotwell/mochi
  version: ~> 0.3.1
License MIT
Crystal 0.35.0


Dependencies 2

Development Dependencies 5

  • amber master
    {'branch' => 'master', 'github' => 'amberframework/amber'}
  • ameba ~> 0.11.0
    {'github' => 'crystal-ameba/ameba', 'version' => '~> 0.11.0'}
  • granite master
    {'branch' => 'master', 'github' => 'amberframework/granite'}
  • jennifer master
    {'branch' => 'master', 'github' => 'imdrasil/'}
  • sam master
    {'branch' => 'master', 'github' => 'imdrasil/'}

Dependents 0

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