
Web application powering
HEAD Latest release released

Dependencies 8

  • baked_file_system 0.10.0 Virtual file system implementation
    {'github' => 'schovi/baked_file_system', 'version' => '0.10.0'}
  • crinja 0.8.0 An implementation of the Jinja2 template engine
    {'github' => 'straight-shoota/crinja', 'version' => '0.8.0'}
  • humanize_time 0.7.0 Express time spans in natural language
    {'github' => 'mamantoha/humanize_time', 'version' => '0.7.0'}
  • kemal Lightning Fast, Super Simple web framework. Inspired by Sinatra
    {'github' => 'kemalcr/kemal'}
  • markd Yet another markdown parser built for speed, Compliant to CommonMark specification
    {'github' => 'icyleaf/markd'}
  • sanitize library for transforming HTML/XML trees to sanitize HTML from untrusted sources
    {'github' => 'straight-shoota/sanitize'}
  • sass Compile SASS/SCSS to CSS (libsass binding)
    {'github' => 'straight-shoota/'}
  • shardbox-core Shards database, collecting shard repositories, releases and dependencies
    {'github' => 'shardbox/shardbox-core'}

Development Dependencies 0

    No development dependencies.

Dependents 0

    No shards depend on this.
  github: shardbox/shardbox-web
License MIT
Crystal >= 1.0


Dependencies 8

  • baked_file_system 0.10.0
    {'github' => 'schovi/baked_file_system', 'version' => '0.10.0'}
  • crinja 0.8.0
    {'github' => 'straight-shoota/crinja', 'version' => '0.8.0'}
  • humanize_time 0.7.0
    {'github' => 'mamantoha/humanize_time', 'version' => '0.7.0'}
  • kemal
    {'github' => 'kemalcr/kemal'}
  • markd
    {'github' => 'icyleaf/markd'}
  • sanitize
    {'github' => 'straight-shoota/sanitize'}
  • sass
    {'github' => 'straight-shoota/'}
  • shardbox-core
    {'github' => 'shardbox/shardbox-core'}

Development Dependencies 0

Dependents 0

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