
A custom blockchain platform blockchain bitcoin dapps axentro
3.0.1 Latest release released
192 18 21

Dependencies 18

  • baked_file_system~axentro
    {'github' => 'axentro/baked_file_system'}
  • crest Simple HTTP and REST client, inspired by the Ruby's RestClient gem
    {'github' => 'mamantoha/crest'}
  • crometheus~darwinnn
    {'github' => 'darwinnn/crometheus'}
  • crystal-argon2~axentro
    {'github' => 'axentro/crystal-argon2'}
  • defense An HTTP handler for throttling, blocking and tracking malicious requests
    {'github' => 'defense-cr/defense'}
  • ed25519-hd~axentro
    {'github' => 'axentro/ed25519-hd'}
  • humanhash HumanHash implementation
    {'github' => 'kingsleyh/humanhash'}
  • i18n~TechMagister Internationalization API
    {'github' => 'TechMagister/'}
  • json_mapping Provides the legacy JSON.mapping macro method
    {'github' => 'crystal-lang/'}
  • lru-cache
    {'github' => 'nicolab/crystal-lru-cache'}
  • mg
    {'github' => 'hkalexling/mg'}
  • monocypher~axentro
    {'github' => 'axentro/'}
  • msgpack MessagePack library
    {'github' => 'crystal-community/msgpack-crystal'}
  • rate_limiter A rate limiter implementation
    {'github' => 'z64/rate_limiter'}
  • router ~> 0.2.7 Minimum but powerful http router for HTTP::Server
    {'github' => 'tbrand/', 'version' => '~> 0.2.7'}
  • sqlite3 SQLite3 bindings
    {'github' => 'crystal-lang/crystal-sqlite3'}
  • tallboy Generate ASCII character tables with support for spanning cells over multiple columns
    {'github' => 'epoch/tallboy'}
  • tokoroten~axentro
    {'github' => 'axentro/tokoroten'}

Development Dependencies 2

Dependents 0

    No shards depend on this.
  github: Axentro/Axentro
  version: ~> 3.0.1
License MIT
Crystal 1.0.0


Dependencies 18

Development Dependencies 2

Dependents 0

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