
Mango is a self-hosted manga server and web reader manga-reader self-hosted manga manga-server web-application mangadex
0.27.0 Latest release released
1724 122 73
Alex Ling

Dependencies 15

  • ameba A static code analysis tool
    {'github' => 'crystal-ameba/ameba'}
  • archive
    {'github' => 'hkalexling/'}
  • baked_file_system Virtual file system implementation
    {'github' => 'schovi/baked_file_system'}
  • clim Slim command line interface builder
    {'github' => 'at-grandpa/clim'}
  • duktape Bindings for the Duktape javascript engine
    {'github' => 'jessedoyle/'}
  • http_proxy A HTTP Proxy server and client written in Crystal
    {'github' => 'mamantoha/http_proxy'}
  • image_size
    {'github' => 'hkalexling/'}
  • kemal Lightning Fast, Super Simple web framework. Inspired by Sinatra
    {'github' => 'kemalcr/kemal'}
  • kemal-session Session handler for Kemal
    {'github' => 'kemalcr/kemal-session'}
  • koa
    {'github' => 'hkalexling/koa'}
  • mg
    {'github' => 'hkalexling/mg'}
  • myhtml Fast HTML5 Parser that includes CSS selectors
    {'github' => 'kostya/myhtml'}
  • sanitize~hkalexling
    {'github' => 'hkalexling/sanitize'}
  • sqlite3 SQLite3 bindings
    {'github' => 'crystal-lang/crystal-sqlite3'}
  • tallboy master Generate ASCII character tables with support for spanning cells over multiple columns
    {'branch' => 'master', 'github' => 'epoch/tallboy'}

Development Dependencies 0

    No development dependencies.

Dependents 0

    No shards depend on this.
  github: hkalexling/Mango
  version: ~> 0.27.0
License MIT
Crystal 1.0.0


Dependencies 15

Development Dependencies 0

Dependents 0

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