
Active Record pattern implementation with flexible query chainable builder and migration system orm chainable-methods activerecord mysql postgresql
0.13.0 Latest release released
  github: imdrasil/
  version: ~> 0.13.0
License MIT
Crystal >= 0.36.0


Dependencies 3

  • i18n~crimson-knight ~> 0.4.1
    {'github' => 'crimson-knight/', 'version' => '~> 0.4.1'}
  • ifrit = 0.1.3
    {'github' => 'imdrasil/ifrit', 'version' => '= 0.1.3'}
  • wordsmith >= 0.3.0
    {'github' => 'luckyframework/wordsmith', 'version' => '>= 0.3.0'}

Development Dependencies 6

  • ameba = 1.4.3
    {'github' => 'crystal-ameba/ameba', 'version' => '= 1.4.3'}
  • factory ~> 0.1.5
    {'github' => 'imdrasil/factory', 'version' => '~> 0.1.5'}
  • micrate = 0.15.0
    {'github' => 'amberframework/micrate', 'version' => '= 0.15.0'}
  • mysql = 0.14.0
    {'github' => 'crystal-lang/crystal-mysql', 'version' => '= 0.14.0'}
  • pg = 0.26.0
    {'github' => 'will/crystal-pg', 'version' => '= 0.26.0'}
  • sam ~> 0.4.1
    {'github' => 'imdrasil/', 'version' => '~> 0.4.1'}
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